University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Pontine nuclei rostral part right

Superior regionsPontine nuclei

Rostral pole of the pontine nuclei Lat
Rostral portion of the pontine nuclei  
Rostral pontine nuclei Eng
Pontine nuclei rostral partBPNrEng
Pontine nuclei rostral half  
Rostral region of the basilar pontine nuclei Eng

Dorsoventral dimension of the rostral zone of the pontine nucleiright
Lateral peduncular region of the rostral half of the basilar pontine nucleiright
Major subdivision of the rostral four fifths of the pontine nucleiright
Medial peduncular region of the rostral basilar pontine nucleiright
Most rostral level of the pontine nucleiright
Rostral three fourths of the pontine nucleiright
Rostral two thirds of the pontine nucleiright
Ventral peduncular region of the rostral half of the basilar pontine nucleiright
Ventral region of the rostral half of the basilar pontine nucleiright
Rostral medial pontine grayright
Rostral one-third of the pontine nucleiright

Output to

Intermediate portion of crus 1contraiCrus10.5
C1-forelimb zonecontraC1FZO-0.5
Copula of the pyramis C1 zonecontraCopC13
Copula of the pyramis C2 zonecontraCopC2z1
Simple lobulecontraSim0.5
Lateral portion of the simple lobulecontraLSim-0.5
Cerebellar lobule 6acontraCERL6a2
Cerebellar lobule 6bcontraCERL6b1
Cerebellar lobule 6ccontraCERL6c1
Intermediate portion of crus 1ipsiiCrus10.5
Simple lobuleipsiSim0.5
Cerebellar lobule 7ipsiCERL74
Cerebellar lobule 6ipsiCERL64
Cerebellar lobule 6aipsiCERL6a2
Cerebellar lobule 6bipsiCERL6b1
Cerebellar lobule 6cipsiCERL6c1
Orofacial motor cortexipsiOFCx-0.5
Caudal portion of the face somatosensory cortexipsiCS1FR-0.5

Input from

Interposed cerebellar nucleicontraICN1
Lateral cerebellar nucleuscontraCERL1
Medial cerebellar nucleuscontraMed1
Lateral hypothalamic area caudal partcontraLHc-0.5
Orofacial motor cortexcontraOFCx1
Lateral agranular prefrontal cortex head regioncontraAGlh-0.5
Lateral hypothalamic area caudal partipsiLHc-0.5
Posterior hypothalamic nucleusipsiPH2
Zona incertaipsiZI-0.5
Retrosplenial agranular cortex rostral partipsiRSAr1
Retrosplenial granular cortex subdivisionsipsiRSGsu2
Orofacial motor cortexipsiOFCx3
Tongue movement cortexipsiTMCx-0.5
Whiskers motor cortexipsiWMCx-0.5
Lateral agranular prefrontal cortex head regionipsiAGlh-0.5
Incissors of the primary somatosensory cortexipsiS1i-0.5
Perioral region of the primary somatosensory cortexipsiS1PO-0.5
Anterolateral barrel subfieldipsiALBSF-0.5
Primary somatosensory cortex face regionipsiS1FR-0.5
Primary somatosensory cortex lower lip regionipsiS1LL-0.5
Primary somatosensory cortex upper lip regionipsiS1ULp-0.5
Primary visual cortexipsiV12
Secondary visual cortexipsiV22

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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