University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Dorsal medulla oblongata right

Superior regionsMedulla oblongata

Dorsal medullary division of medulla oblongata Eng
Dorsal medullary division of the medulla oblongata Eng
Dorsal medullary region Eng
Dorsal medulla oblongataDMeEng

Autonomic preganglionic cell groups in the dorsal medullaright

Output to

Hypoglossal nucleuscontra12S-0.5
Midline part of the hypoglossal nucleuscontra12SMM-0.5
Hypoglossal nucleus rostral partcontra12Sr-0.5
Caudal part of the hypoglossal nucleuscontra12SC-0.5
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleuscontraPa-0.5
Hypoglossal nucleusipsi12S-0.5
Midline part of the hypoglossal nucleusipsi12SMM-0.5
Hypoglossal nucleus rostral partipsi12Sr-0.5
Caudal part of the hypoglossal nucleusipsi12SC-0.5
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleusipsiPa2
Medial prefrontal cortexipsimPFC0
Pancreas sideipsiOrgsPancs-0.5

Input from

Infralimbic cortexcontraIL2
Mesencephalic trigeminal nucleus caudal poleipsiMe5cp-0.5
Nucleus paraventricularis [Periventricular zone anterior region]ipsiPaPAR2
Paraventricular nucleus lateral parvocellular partipsiPaLp-0.5
Central amygdaloid nucleusipsiCe2
Anterior cingulate cortexipsiACC1
Ventral anterior cingulate cortexipsiVACC3
Prelimbic cortexipsiPrL1
Prelimbic cortex caudal part layer 5bipsiPrLcL5b1
Infralimbic cortexipsiIL3
Insular cortexipsiICX2
Jaw muscle spindlesipsiMuscJawS-0.5

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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