University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Cluster lateral and ventral to the lateral edge of the superior cerebellar peduncle left

Superior regionsMesencephalic reticular formation

Cluster lateral and ventral to the lateral edge of the superior cerebellar peduncleMRFcLVEng

Output to

Tuberomammillary nucleus dorsomedial partipsiTBMdm2
Ventral tuberomammillary nucleusipsiVTM2
Glia limitans ventral to the ventral tuberomammillary nucleusipsiTuMgL2
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleusipsiDMHy2
Lateral hypothalamus adjacent to the ventral tuberomammillary nucleusipsiLHVTM2
Lateral mammillary nucleusipsiLM2
Premammillary nucleus dorsal partipsiPMD2
Premammillary nucleus ventromedial partipsiPMvm2
Supramammillar nucleus lateral partipsiSuML2

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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