University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Ophthalmomaxillary region of the trigeminal ganglion left

Superior regionsRadix sensoria of the trigeminal ganglion

Ophthalmic/maxillary region of the trigeminal ganglion5GnOMEng
Ophthalmic maxillary portion of the trigeminal ganglion Eng
Ophthalmomaxillary region of the trigeminal ganglion5GnOMEng
Ophthalmic-maxillary division of the trigeminal ganglion Eng
Ophthalmomaxillary trigeminal ganglion compartment Eng

Caudal area of the ophthalmomaxillary region of the trigeminal ganglionleft
Ophthalmic region of the trigeminal ganglionleft
Rostral area of the ophthalmomaxillary region of the trigeminal ganglionleft
Lateral part of the ophthalmomaxillary region of the trigeminal ganglionleft
Lateral margin of the ophthalmomaxillary region of the trigeminal ganglionleft
Posteromedial part of the ophthalmomaxillary region of the trigeminal ganglionleft
Posterolateral part of the ophthalmomaxillary region of the trigeminal ganglionleft
Rostromedial part of the ophthalmomaxillary region of the trigeminal ganglionleft
Caudal-lateral area of the ophthalmic/maxillary region of the trigeminal ganglionleft
Lateral edge of the maxillary/ophthalmic division of the trigeminal ganglionleft
Medial part of the ophthalmic subdivision of the trigeminal ganglionleft

Output to

Ventrolateral part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus caudal partcontraSp5CvL-0.5
Dorsal horn C1contraDHC1-0.5
Dorsal horn C2contraDHC2-0.5
Dorsal horn C3contraDHC3-0.5
Pterygopalatine ganglionipsiAutoPpG-0.5
Nasal mucosaipsiOrgNaMu-0.5

Input from

1st molaripsiOrg1mol-0.5
2nd molaripsiOrg2mol-0.5
3rd molaripsiOrg3mol-0.5
Tooth pulp in oral cavityipsiOrgOCtp-0.5
Maxillar incisoripsiOrgMaxin3
Maxillar incisorcontraOrgMaxin1
Vibrissal follicle complex betaipsiVFCbeta-2
Vibrissal follicle complex deltaipsiVFCdelta-2
Vibrissal follicle complex gammaipsiVFCgamma-2
Vibrissal follicle complex C1ipsiVFCC1-2
Postero orbital sinus hairipsiposh2
Vibrissal follicle complex gammacontraVFCgamma0

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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