University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Cingulate cortex area 1 layer 3 left

Superior regionsCingulate cortex area 1 layers

Cingulate cortex area 1 layer 3Cg1L3Eng

Output to

Ventral tegmental area A10ipsiVTA-0.5
Dorsal motor nucleus of vagusipsi10-0.5
Dorsal raphe nucleusipsiDR-0.5
Posterior hypothalamic nucleusipsiPH3
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus central partipsiMDC3
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus lateral partipsiMDL3
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus medial partipsiMDM3
Cingulate cortex area 1ipsiCg1-2
Secondary visual cortex medial area layer 3ipsiV2ML33
Secondary visual cortex medial area layer 2ipsiV2ML23
Orbital cortexipsiOrC1.5
Dorsal motor nucleus of vaguscontra10-0.5
Posterior hypothalamic nucleuscontraPH1
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus central partcontraMDC2
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus lateral partcontraMDL1
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus medial partcontraMDM2
Frontal cortex area 1contraFr11
Frontal cortex area 2contraFr21
Secondary visual cortex medial area layer 3contraV2ML31
Secondary visual cortex medial area layer 2contraV2ML21
Orbital cortexcontraOrC1

Input from

Centrolateral thalamic nucleus dorsal partipsiCLD3
Lateral posterior thalamic nucleus mediorostral part ventral regionipsiLPMRv3
Anterior cingulate cortexipsiACC3
Frontal cortex area 2ipsiFr23
Medial agranular prefrontal cortexipsiAGm3

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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