University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Medial olfactory bulb right

Superior regionsOlfactory bulb A16

Medial olfactory bulbMOBMEng

Medial olfactory bulb internal plexiform layerright
Mid-medial part of the olfactory bulbright

Output to

Glomerular layer accessory olfactory bulbipsiGlA3
Olfactory tubercle lateral partipsiTuOL-0.5
Olfactory tubercle lateral part of layer 2ipsiTuOdLL21
Olfactory tubercle medial layer 2ipsiTuOdmL23

Input from

Anterior piriform cortexcontraAPIRC0
Anterior olfactory nucleus lateral partcontraAONl3
Anterior piriform cortexipsiAPIRC3
Anterior olfactory nucleus lateral partipsiAONl3
Vomeronasal nerveipsivn-2
Olfactory epitheliumcontraOLfEpi-3
Posterior dorsal recess of nasal epitheliumipsiOrgPDRNaE3
Anterior half of the olfactory epitheliumipsiOLfEpiah-0.5
Dorsal recess of nasal cavityipsiOLfEpidr-0.5
Medial areas of the olfactory organipsiOLfEpiM-0.5
Olfactory epithelium of the septal wallipsiOLfEpiSW-0.5
Ectoturbinate 1 part of the ofactory epitheliumipsiOLfEpiecT10
Ectoturbinate 2-2' part of the ofactory epitheliumipsiOLfEpiecT220
Upper part of the ectoturbinate 3 part of the olfactory epitheliumipsiOLfEpiecT3U3
Endoturbinate 2 part of the olfactory epitheliumipsiOLfEpiET3
Lower part of the endoturbinate 2-2' part of the olfactory epitheliumipsiOLfEpiETxxL3
Turbinate 2-2' lower part of the ofactory epitheliumipsiOLfEpiTL22-0.5
Upper part of the endoturbinate 3 part of the olfactory epitheliumipsiOLfEpiTe3U3
Upper part of the endoturbinate 4 part of the olfactory epitheliumipsiOLfEpiTe4U3
Posterior half of the olfactory epitheliumipsiOLfEpiph-0.5
Septal wall of the nasal cavityipsiOrgNaCaS3

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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