University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Basal nucleus of the ventromedial thalamic nucleus left

Superior regionsVentromedial thalamic nucleus

Basal nucleus of the ventromedial thalamic nucleusVMB 
Ventromedial thalamic nucleus basal part  
Basal nucleus of the ventromedial complex Eng

Basal nucleus of the ventromedial thalamic nucleus lateral partleft

Output to

Basolateral amygdaloid nucleusipsiBL-0.5
Lateral amygdaloid nucleusipsiLA-0.5
Central amygdaloid nucleusipsiCe0.5
Central amygdaloid nucleus ventral partipsiCeV-0.5
Medial amygdaloid nucleusipsiMe-0.5
Medial amygdaloid nucleus dorsal tipipsiMeDT-0.5
Agranular insular cortex anterior part layer 4ipsiAIAL43
Agranular insular cortex dorsal part layer 3ipsiAIDL33
Agranular insular cortex dorsal part layer 1aipsiAIDL1a1
Agranular insular cortex posterior part dorsal partipsiAIPpd3
Most rostral part of the posterior agranular insular cortexipsiAIPpmr3
Agranular insular cortex ventral part layer 1aipsiAIVL1a1
Granular insular cortex layer 4ipsiGIL44
Granular insular cortex layer 3ipsiGIL3-0.5
Granular insular cortex layer 1aipsiGIL1a4
Lateral agranular prefrontal cortex layer 1aipsiAGlL1a1
Somatosensory cortex layer 1aipsiSRL1a1
Agranular insular cortex dorsal partcontraAID-0.5

Input from

Lateral parabrachial nucleusipsiLPB2
Caudal third of the external medial parabrachial nucleusipsiPBcteDM-0.5
Rostral third of the external medial parabrachial nucleusipsiPBrteDM-0.5
Parabrachial nucleus medialipsiPBnMe-0.5
Medial parabrachial nucleus external partipsiMPBE-0.5
Rostral two third of the medial parabrachial nucleusipsiPBnrttMe-0.5
Principal sensory trigeminal nucleusipsiPr5-0.5

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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