University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Lateral posterior thalamic nucleus caudal part right

Superior regionsLateral posterior thalamic nucleus

Lateral posterior thalamic nucleus caudal partLPca 
Caudal part of lateral posterior thalamic nucleus  
Caudal recipient zone of lateral posterior thalamic nucleus Eng

Central part of the lateral posterior thalamic nucleus caudal partright
Dorsomedial part of the lateral posterior thalamic nucleus caudal partright
Ventromedial part of the lateral posterior thalamic nucleus caudal partright
Lateral posterior thalamic nucleus caudal halfright
Mid caudal two thirds of the lateral posterior thalamic nucleus caudal partright

Output to

Primary visual cortexcontraV11
Deep gray layer of the superior colliculusipsiDpG-0.5
Substantia nigra lateral partipsiSNL-0.5
Dorsal part of the caudal reticular thalamic nucleusipsiRtDc3
Dorsal part of the caudal reticular thalamic nucleusipsiRtDc3
Reticular thalamic nucleus dorsal partipsiRtD3
Lateral amygdaloid nucleusipsiLA3
Temporal association area 2ipsiTe23
Temporal association area 2 caudal partipsiTe2C3
Temporal association area 2 caudal part layer 1ipsiTe2CL11
Temporal association area 2 caudal part layer 6ipsiTe2CL64
Temporal association area 2 dorsal part bottom of layer 6ipsiTe2DL6b2
Temporal association area 3ipsiTe32
Temporal association area 3 ventral partipsiTe3V2
Temporal association area 3 ventral part bottom of layer 6ipsiTe3VL6b2
Temporal association cortex 1ipsiTeA2
Temporal association cortex 1 layer 6bipsiTeAL6b2
Ventral temporal association cortexipsiTev2
Perirhinal cortexipsiA352
Perirhinal cortex dorsal portionipsiPRhd3
Dorsal bank of the perirhinal cortex layer 1ipsiPRhdL11
Posterior part of the medial agranular prefrontal cortexipsiPoAGm0
Primary visual cortexipsiV12
Secondary visual cortex lateral areaipsiV2L2
Secondary visual cortex lateral area layer 4ipsiV2LL43
Secondary visual cortex lateral area layer 1ipsiV2LL13
Secondary visual cortex lateral area layer 3ipsiV2LL33
Secondary visual cortex lateral area layer 6ipsiV2LL64

Input from

Superior colliculus superficial layersipsiSCs4
Optic nerve layer of the superior colliculusipsiOp2
Temporal association area 2 dorsal partipsiTe2D2
Posterior part of the medial agranular prefrontal cortexipsiPoAGm0
Caudal visual cortexipsiCVC2
Lateral visual cortexipsiLVC2.5
Medial visual cortexipsiMVC0.5
Primary visual cortex layer 5ipsiV1L51
Primary visual cortex layer 6ipsiV1L62

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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