University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Posterior commissure right

Superior regionsCommissural systems

Commissura posterior Lat
Posterior commissurepcEng

Dorsal portion of the posterior commissureright
Periventricular stratum along the posterior face of the posterior commissureright

Output to

Nucleus of the optic tractcontraOT-0.5
Dorsal tegmental bundleipsidtg-2
Superior oliveipsiSuOLi0
Dorsal thalamusipsiDOR-2
Rostral portion of the nucleus of the optic tractipsiOTR-2
Orbicularis oculi musclecontraMuscOrbOc-0.5
Orbicularis oculi muscleipsiMuscOrbOc-0.5

Input from

Dorsal tegmental bundlecontradtg-2
Cuneiforme nucleuscontraCnF-2
Mandibular region of the trigeminal ganglioncontra5GnMa-2
Medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tractcontraMT-2
Precommissural nucleuscontraPrC-2
Cuneiforme nucleusipsiCnF-2
Mandibular region of the trigeminal ganglionipsi5GnMa-2
Dorsal raphe nucleus caudal partipsiDRC-2
Olivary pretectal nucleusipsiOPT-2
Nucleus of the optic tractipsiOT-2
Medial terminal nucleus of the accessory optic tractipsiMT-2
Medial amygdaloid nucleus anteroventral partipsiMeAV-2
Nucleus of the posterior commissureipsiPCom-2
Precommissural nucleusipsiPrC-2
Lateral septal nucleus ventral partipsiLSV1
Dorsal horn L3ipsiDHL3-2
Ventral horn L3ipsiVHL3-2
Dorsal horn L4ipsiDHL4-2
Ventral horn L4ipsiVHL4-2
Dorsal horn L5ipsiDHL5-2
Ventral horn L5ipsiVHL5-2
Dorsal horn L6ipsiDHL6-2
Ventral horn L6ipsiVHL6-2
Dorsal horn S1ipsiDHS1-2
Ventral horn S1ipsiVHSa1-2
Dorsal horn S2ipsiDHS2-2
Ventral horn S2ipsiVHSa2-2

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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