University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Ventral pallidum rostral part left

Superior regionsVentral pallidum

Ventral pallidum rostral partVPr 
Rostral part of ventral pallidum  

Output to

Ventral tegmental area A10ipsiVTA3
Paranigral nucleusipsiPN3
Magnocellular preoptic nucleusipsiMCPO-0.5
Lateral hypothalamic area posterior part [Preoptic anterior region]ipsiLHApPAR1
Lateral hypothalamic area [Lateral zone mammillary level]ipsiLHLZM1
Medial division of the hypothalamusipsiMdH1
Medial division of the hypothalamus dorsomedial lateral partipsiMdHdmL1
Medial division of the hypothalamus ventromedial lateral partipsiMdHvmL1
Medial division of the hypothalamus posterior lateral partipsiMdHpL1
Perifornical nucleusipsiPeF1
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleusipsiMD1
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus central partipsiMDC-10
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus medial partipsiMDM-10
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus ventral partipsiMDTV-0.5
Reticular thalamic nucleus intermediate partipsiRti-10
Reticular thalamic nucleus rostral partipsiRtr-10
Ventral part of reticular thalamic nucleus rostral partipsiRtrVe-10
Anterior basolateral nucleusipsiBLA-0.5
Anterior basomedial nucleusipsiBMA-0.5
Extended amygdalaipsiEXA-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalisipsiBST-10
Central amygdaloid nucleus lateral division capsular partipsiCeC-0.5
Central amygdaloid nucleus medial divisionipsiCeM-0.5
Interstitial nucleus of the posterior limb of the anterior commissure medial partipsiIPACM-0.5
Cortex amygdala transition zoneipsiCxA-0.5
Anterior amygdaloid areaipsiAA-0.5
Ventral pallidum dorsolateral partipsiVPdl-0.5
Ventral pallidum rostral partipsiVPr-0.5
Ventral pallidum ventromedial partipsiVPvm-0.5

Input from

Ventral pallidum rostral partipsiVPr-0.5
Dorsal coreipsiAcbCd1
Ventral coreipsiAcbCv3
Subthalamic nucleusipsiSTh1

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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