University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Lateral agranular prefrontal cortex layer 6 left

Superior regionsLateral agranular prefrontal cortex deep layers

Lateral agranular prefrontal cortex layer 6AGlL6Eng

Lateral agranular prefrontal cortex layer 6aleft
Lateral agranular prefrontal cortex layer 6bleft

Output to

Anterior group of the dorsal thalamusipsiATN3
Gelatinosus thalamic nucleusipsiG3
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus central partipsiMDC3
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus lateral partipsiMDL3
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus medial partipsiMDM3
Ventrolateral thalamic nucleusipsiVL3
Ventral posterior thalamic complex medial partipsiVPTm3
Ventrobasal complexipsiVB3
Ventromedial thalamic nucleusipsiVM3
Parafascicular centre-median complexipsiPFCM3
Lateral posterior thalamic nucleusipsiLP3
Reticular thalamic nucleusipsiRt3
Anterior part of the claustrumipsiACl4
Medial part of claustrumipsiMCl4
Caudate putamenipsiCPu3
Dorsal striatumipsiCPud3
Dorsal striatum central partipsiCPudc1
Rostral striatumipsiCPur2
Striatal matrix compartmentipsiSMC1
Striatal patch compartmentipsiSPC0
Lateral striatumipsiCPul3
Rostral area 29c middorsoventral partipsiRSGcrmddv-0.5
Dorsolateral orbital cortexipsiDLO-0.5
Ventral orbital cortexipsiVO-0.5
Lateral geniculate complexipsiLG3
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus central partcontraMDC1
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus lateral partcontraMDL1
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus medial partcontraMDM1
Anterior part of the claustrumcontraACl1.5
Medial part of claustrumcontraMCl1.5
Dorsal striatum central partcontraCPudc0.5
Forelimb motor cortexcontraFMCx2.5
Primary somatosensory cortexcontraS13
Primary somatosensory cortex periangular zone arround barrel fieldscontraS1pg3
Thoracal segment 9contraT9-0.5
Thoracal segment 10contraT10-0.5

Input from

Centre median nucleusipsiCeMe1.5
Centrolateral thalamic nucleusipsiCL1
Parafascicular thalamic nucleusipsiPF3
Dorsal division of the lateral parafascicular thalamic nucleusipsiPFDL1.5
Rhomboid thalamic nucleusipsiRh1
Ventro anterior thalamic nucleusipsiVA-0.5
Ventrolateral thalamic nucleusipsiVL-0.5
Ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleusipsiVPM1
Ethmoid thalamic nucleusipsiEth-0.5
Anterior cingulate cortexipsiACC-0.5
Prelimbic cortexipsiPrL-0.5
Insular cortexipsiICX-0.5
Primary somatosensory cortex barrel fieldipsiS1BF1.5
Primary somatosensory cortex upper lip regionipsiS1ULp1.5
Anterior part of head region of the primary somatosensory cortexipsiS1aFR3
Lateral anterior part of head region of the primary somatosensory cortexipsiS1LaFR3
Primary somatosensory cortex forelimb region lateral partipsiS1FLL3
Primary somatosensory cortex forelimb region posterior partipsiS1FLPo3
Primary somatosensory cortex hindlimb region medial partipsiS1HLMe3
Primary somatosensory cortex hindlimb region posterior partipsiS1HLPo3
Proximal body region of the primary somatosensory cortexipsiS1PBR3
Secondary somatosensory cortexipsiS20
Rostral forelimb area of SmithipsiRFA3
Insular cortexcontraICX-0.5

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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