University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Medial part of the copula of the pyramis right

Superior regionsCopula of the pyramis

Medial part of the copula of the pyramisCopMEng

Output to

Intermediate rostral caudal position at the intermediate level of the anterior interpositusipsiAINimim3
Anterior interposed nucleus medial partipsiAINM-0.5
Caudal part of the anterior interposed nucleus medial partipsiAINMC3
Rostral part of the medial anterior interposed nucleus medial partipsiAINMR-0.5
Posterior interposed nucleus dorsal partipsiCERpinD0

Input from

Caudal third of the ponscontraPcaCT-0.5
Caudal fourth of the pons medial group LPons medial partcontraPmeCf1
Caudal fourth of the pons ventrolateral groupcontraPVLPCf1
Lateral reticular nucleus subtrigeminal partcontraLRtS53
Midportion of the lateral reticular nucleuscontraMpLRt-0.5
Caudal fourth of the pons ventrointermediate positioncontraPViMCf3
Inferior olivecontraIO-0.5
Inferior olive dorsal nucleus caudolateral partcontraIODcl-0.5
Inferior olive dorsal nucleus lateral partcontraIODL-0.5
Caudolateral portion of the rostral half of the inferior olive dorsal nucleuscontraIODRCL-0.5
Inferior olive subnucleus B of medial nucleuscontraIOB-0.5
Lateral pole of the inferior olive medial nucleus lateral partcontraIOMLp-0.5
Interposed cerebellar nuclei dorsomedial partipsiICNDM3
Dorsal part of the intermediate region of the interpositus nuclear complexipsiDIntim3
Caudal third of the ponsipsiPcaCT-0.5
Caudal fourth of the pons medial group LPons medial partipsiPmeCf1
Caudal fourth of the pons ventrolateral groupipsiPVLPCf1
Lateral reticular nucleus subtrigeminal partipsiLRtS53
Midportion of the lateral reticular nucleusipsiMpLRt-0.5
Caudal fourth of the pons ventrointermediate positionipsiPViMCf3
Inferior olive dorsal nucleus caudolateral partipsiIODcl-0.5
Lateral half of the inferior olive dorsal nucleusipsiIODLh-0.5

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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