University of Rostock
Department of Anatomy
Neuroscience Group
neuroVIISAS (neuro Visualization, Imagemapping, Information
System for Analysis and Simulation)
is an open framework
for integrative data analysis, visualization and population simulations.
neuroVIISAS provides answers to questions like:
- How can we assemble data of tract-tracing studies? (Metastudy)
- Is it possible to integrate tract-tracing and brainmapping data?
(Data Integration)
- How does the network of analyzed tract-tracing studies looks
like? (Visualization)
- Which graph theoretical properties possess such a network?
- Can
we perform population simulations in a connectome that is based on the
collation of tract-tracing data ( meta-analysis) from tract-tracing
studies? (Simulation and higher level data integration)
neuroVIISAS can be used to organize mapping and connectivity data of
central and peripheral nervous systems of any species. In neuroVIISAS
monosynaptic connections, polysynaptic pathway data and axonal
colateral data have been integrated into connectome analysis. The rat
brain project of neuroVIISAS contains 481284 ipsi- and 182693
contralateral multi-attributed (weighted, directed i.a.) connections.
Publications which describe results of tract
tracing experiments in rats were searched in PubMed, Google Scholar and Web of Science.
A very general search term was applied to identify 30539 papers, thesis
and book chapters which could contain experimental observations of
anterograde, retrograde and transsynaptic neuronal tracers.
Connectivity information was extracted from 7765 publications. So far,
22774 of the 30539 publications do not contain suitable or duplicate
information of
tract-tracing experiments in neonatal, young and adult rats. The
complete list of all filtered publications can be found
here (82.2 MB) or as a bibtex file (83.1
MB). The bibliographies include all references and duplicate references
in additional citations formats. A preliminary bibliography of
references which describe connections by applying tract-tracing methods
is this bibtex file (18.8 MB). New
connectivity data are added to the connectome continously day by day.
To get an idea of some of neuroVIISAS key properties take a tour
through some screenshots
of neuroVIISAS.
And here are the latest visualizations
from ongoing projects.
Simulation (opening this page may take
a while because gif-animations are directly loaded) of the left
hemispheric amygdala neuron populations of the rat brain.
Installer for Windows, Linux and Mac OS can be downloaded here:
For Windows 32 bit Net.Framework 3.5 is required!
For Windows 64 bit Net.Framework 4.0 and the Microsoft Visual C++ 2010 Redistributable Package (x64)
are required!
Webstart of NeuroVIISAS
PyNEST script generation does work using WINDOWS OS, however, the
script must be transferred to a UNIX OS with installed NEST. The
results file of the NEST simulation can be visualized and analyzed by
Data sets that can be directly opened in neuroVIISAS (*,brain format)
are available here.
Test data (5.5 MB):
If you like to see your tract-tracing data in the rat connectome
project in neuroVIISAS then mail your article to
The installers of neuroVIISAS are build with the multi-platform installer builder install4j
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neuroVIISAS |
Rat connectome |
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Neuroimaging |
Neurodegeneration |
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This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.