University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Superficial part of cerebellar lobule 9a right

Superior regionsCerebellar lobule 9a

Superficial part of cerebellar lobule 9aUVUaSEng

Output to

Uncinate fasciculusipsiunc-2
Caudal direction of the juxtarestiform bodyipsijxcd-2
Area ventral to the brachium conjunctivumipsibconav1
Spinal vestibular nucleus caudal partipsiSpVeC2
Dorsomedial part of the descending vestibular nucleus at the level of the group xipsiSpVeDMgx3
Medial half of the descending vestibular nucleus at the level of group XipsiSpVeMhgx3
Spinal vestibular nucleus rostral partipsiSpVeR1
Nucleus YipsiY-0.5
Nucleus Y dorsomedial partipsiYdm3
Lateral part of the superior vestibular nucleusipsiLSuVe-0.5
Superior vestibular nucleus dorsal partipsiSuVeD2
Superior vestibular nucleus dorsolateral partipsiSuVeDL1
Superior vestibular nucleus ventrolateral partipsiSuVeVL-0.5
Lateral part of the caudal medial vestibular nucleusipsiMVePL2
Dorsal part of the caudal medial vestibular nucleusipsiMVePD1
Medial part of the caudal medial vestibular nucleusipsiMVePM1
Medial vestibular nucleus magnocellular partipsiMVeMC1
Medial vestibular nucleus caudal parvicellular partipsiMVeCPC-0.5
Rostral level of the dorsomedial part of the parvicellular medial vestibular nucleusipsiMVePCdmR2
Caudal half of the dorsomedial part of the parvicellular part of the medial vestibular nucleusipsiMVePCdmCh1
Lateral vestibular nucleus adjacent to group YipsiLVNagY2
Group Y adjacent to the lateral vestibular nucleusipsigYaLVN3
X cell group of the vestibular complexipsiXVES0
Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerveipsiiNVN0

Input from

Interposed cerebellar nucleus posterior parvicellular partipsiIntPPC1
Spinal vestibular nucleus caudal partipsiSpVeC2
Spinal vestibular nucleus rostral partipsiSpVeR1
Nucleus Y dorsal partipsiYD-0.5
Nucleus Y ventral partipsiYV-0.5
Superior vestibular nucleus dorsal partipsiSuVeD1
Mediolateral extent of the superior vestibular nucleusipsiSuVeML2
Dorsal half of the caudal medial vestibular nucleusipsiMVePDh-0.5
Medial half of the caudal medial vestibular nucleusipsiMVePMh-0.5
Middle part of the mediolateral extent of the caudal medial vestibular nucleusipsiMVePMLmi-0.5
Lateral part of the mediolateral extent of the caudal medial vestibular nucleusipsiMVePMLL-0.5
Medial vestibular nucleus magnocellular partipsiMVeMC0
Dorsolateral area of the rostrocaudal extent of the parvicellular medial vestibular nucleusipsiMVePCrcDL3
Ventromedial area of the rostrocaudal extent of the parvicellular medial vestibular nucleusipsiMVePCrcVM3
Lateral vestibular nucleusipsiLVe0
Vestibulocerebellar nucleusipsiVeCb3
X cell group of the vestibular complexipsiXVES-0.5
Interstitial nucleus of the vestibular nerveipsiiNVN-0.5

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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