University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segments right

Superior regionsThoracal segments

Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segmentsVMTSegENG

Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segment 1right
Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segment 2right
Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segment 3right
Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segment 4right
Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segment 5right
Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segment 6right
Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segment 7right
Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segment 8right
Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segment 9right
Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segment 10right
Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segment 11right
Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segment 12right
Ventromedial nucleus of the thoracal segment 13right

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