University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Temporal association cortex 1 rostral part left

Superior regionsTemporal association cortex 1

Temporal association cortex 1 rostral partTeAr 
More rostral portion of the temporal association cortex 1 Eng
Rostral part of temporal association cortex 1 Eng
Rostral part of temporal cortex area 1 Eng

Dorsal fringe of the rostral part of area Te1left
Rostral half of temporal association cortex 1left
Temporal association cortex 1 rostral halfleft
Temporal association cortex 1 rostral part layersleft
Ventral part of temporal association cortex 1 rostral partleft
Temporal association cortex 1 rostral two thirdsleft
Temporal association cortex 1 mid rostral partleft

Output to

Rostrolaterally external cortex of the inferior colliculusipsiECICRL2.5
Reticular thalamic nucleus middle sectoripsiRtms2
Dorsolateral part of the lateral nucleusipsiLaDL-0.5
Central amygdaloid nucleus lateral division capsular partipsiCeC0.5
Parietal cortex area 2ipsiPar23
Temporal association area 2ipsiTe22
Temporal association area 3ipsiTe32
Temporal association cortex 1ipsiTeA2
Perirhinal cortex caudal partipsiPRhc-0.5
Secondary visual cortex lateral areaipsiV2L2
Ventrolateral orbital areaipsiVLO1
Rostrolaterally external cortex of the inferior colliculuscontraECICRL0

Input from

Lateral part of posterior thalamic nuclear groupipsiPoLa2
Ventral posterior thalamic complexipsiVPT2
Lateral posterior thalamic nucleusipsiLP0
Laterodorsal thalamic nucleusipsiLD0
Sensory regionsipsiSR-0.5
Dorsal geniculate nucleus lateral partipsiDLGl0
Medial geniculate nucleus dorsal partipsiMGD2
Medial geniculate nucleus medial partipsiMGM2
Medial geniculate nucleus rostral partipsiMGR-0.5

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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