University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Lateralmost part of the copula of the pyramis left

Superior regionsCopula of the pyramis

Most lateral region of the copula pyramidis Eng
Lateralmost part of the copula of the pyramisLmCopEng

Output to

Cerebellar nucleiipsiDCeN0
Mediolateral extent of the lateral cerebellar nucleus ventral partipsiCERLVML-0.5

Input from

Caudal pons dorsal groupipsiPcaD-0.5
Caudal pons medial groupipsiPcaM-0.5
Caudal pons ventrolateral groupipsiPcaVL-0.5
Intermediate part of the rostral ponsipsiProim-0.5
Caudal pons dorsal groupcontraPcaD-0.5
Caudal pons medial groupcontraPcaM-0.5
Caudal pons ventrolateral groupcontraPcaVL-0.5
Intermediate part of the rostral ponscontraProim-0.5
Inferior olive principal nucleus caudal partcontraIOPrC-0.5
Principal olive bend between its dorsal and ventral lamellaecontraIOPrDVL-0.5

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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