University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Agranular insular cortex ventral part layer 6 right

Superior regionsAgranular insular cortex ventral part deep layers

Agranular insular cortex ventral part layer 6AIVL6 

Output to

Ventrolateral accumbensipsiAcbVL2
Ventral striatumipsiCPuv2
Fundus of the striatumipsiFS2
Dorsal intermediate entorhinal cortex layer 3ipsiDIEntL31
Dorsal intermediate entorhinal cortex layer 4ipsiDIEntL41
Dorsal intermediate entorhinal cortex layer 5ipsiDIEntL53
Dorsal intermediate entorhinal cortex layer 6ipsiDIEntL63
Dorsal intermediate entorhinal cortex layer 1ipsiDIEntL10.5
Dorsal intermediate entorhinal cortex layer 2ipsiDIEntL20.5
Dorsolateral entorhinal cortex layer 5ipsiDLEntL53
Dorsolateral entorhinal cortex layer 6ipsiDLEntL63
Lateral entorhinal cortexipsiLEnt3
Lateral entorhinal cortex lateral part layer 5ipsiLEntLaL53
Lateral entorhinal cortex lateral part layer 6ipsiLEntLaL63
Medial entorhinal cortex deep layersipsiMEntDLy1
Ventral intermediate entorhinal cortexipsiVIEnt1
Perirhinal cortexipsiA353
Perirhinal cortex layer 1ipsiA35L12
Perirhinal cortex layer 2ipsiA35L22
Perirhinal cortex layer 3ipsiA35L32
Perirhinal cortex layer 4ipsiA35L42
Perirhinal cortex layer 5ipsiA35L52
Perirhinal cortex layer 6ipsiA35L62
Perirhinal cortex rostral part deep layersipsiPRrodL2
Ectorhinal cortex layer 1ipsiA36L11
Ectorhinal cortex layer 2ipsiA36L21
Ectorhinal cortex layer 3ipsiA36L31
Ectorhinal cortex layer 4ipsiA36L41
Ectorhinal cortex layer 5ipsiA36L51
Ectorhinal cortex layer 6ipsiA36L61
Postrhinal cortexipsiPOR1
Olfactory tubercle lateral partipsiTuOL2

Input from

Anterior basolateral nucleusipsiBLA-1
Posterior basolateral nucleusipsiBLP-1
Lateral nucleus caudal two-thirdsipsiLActt-1
Mid-rostral level of dorsolateral entorhinal cortex layer 4ipsiDLEntMrL42
Mid-rostral level of dorsolateral entorhinal cortex layer 5ipsiDLEntMrL52
Mid-rostral level of dorsolateral entorhinal cortex layer 6ipsiDLEntMrL62

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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