University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Caudal part of temporal association cortex 1 right

Superior regionsTemporal association cortex 1

Caudal portion of temporal association cortex 1 Eng
Caudal part of temporal association cortex 1TecaEng
Caudal temporal cortex Eng

Caudal half of the temporal association cortex 1right
Caudal part of temporal association cortex 1 layersright
Dorsal fringe of caudal part of temporal association cortex 1right
Most caudal portion of the temporal association cortex 1right
Caudalmost part of temporal association cortex 1right
Caudal one-third of temporal association cortex 1right
Dorsal margin of caudal part of temporal association cortex 1right

Output to

Caudobasal part of the external cortex of the inferior colliculuscontraECICCB0
Lateral reticular nucleuscontraLRt0.5
Lateral aspect of the caudal pole of the lateral reticular nucleuscontraLCpLRt1
Lateral reticular nucleus rostral partcontraLRtr1
Dorsomedial part of the middle third of the lateral reticular nucleuscontraDMMTLRt1
Spinal trigeminal nucleus ventral partcontraSp5ncV1
Caudobasal part of the external cortex of the inferior colliculusipsiECICCB-0.5
Dorsal part of the caudal reticular thalamic nucleusipsiRtDc-0.5
Reticular thalamic nucleus ventral partipsiRtV3
Central region of the caudal part of the auditory reticular thalamic nucleusipsiCCARt-0.5
Lateral amygdaloid nucleusipsiLA1
Dorsolateral part of the lateral nucleusipsiLaDL1
Lateral nucleus caudal partipsiLAcap0.5
Entorhinal cortexipsiEnt-0.5
Retrosplenial regionsipsiRS-0.5
Temporal association area 2ipsiTe22
Temporal association area 3ipsiTe32
Temporal association cortex 1ipsiTeA2
Agranular insular cortex posterior part caudal portionipsiAIPc1
Perirhinal cortex caudal partipsiPRhc4
Perirhinal cortex dorsal portionipsiPRhd1
Postrhinal cortexipsiPOR-0.5
Primary visual cortexipsiV12
Secondary visual cortex lateral areaipsiV2L2
Medial geniculate nucleus dorsal part dorsal subdivisionipsiMGDd2
Medial geniculate nucleus medial partipsiMGM1
Medial geniculate nucleus ventral part dorsolateral subdivisionipsiMGVdL2

Input from

Suprageniculate thalamic nucleusipsiSG2
Lateral posterior thalamic nucleusipsiLP2
Temporal association area 3 ventral partipsiTe3V2
Visual regionsipsiVR-0.5
Medial geniculate nucleus dorsal part caudal partipsiMGDc2
Medial geniculate nucleus dorsal part dorsal subdivisionipsiMGDd2
Medial geniculate nucleus dorsal part medial subdivisionipsiMGDm2
Medial geniculate nucleus dorsal part rostral partipsiMGDro2
Medial geniculate nucleus dorsal part ventrolateral partipsiMGDvL2
Medial geniculate nucleus medial partipsiMGM1
Medial geniculate nucleus ventral part dorsolateral subdivisionipsiMGVdL2

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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