University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus dorsal parvocellular division left

Superior regionsParaventricular hypothalamic nucleus parvocellular division

Dorsal parvocellular subnuclei of the paraventricular nucleus Eng
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus dorsal part of the parvocellular divisionPavDPoEng
Dorsal parvicellular division of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Eng
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus dorsal parvocellular divisionPavPoDEng
Dorsal parvocellular subnucleus of the hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus Eng
Dorsal parvocellular paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus of Swanson and Kuypers Eng

Most rostral part of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus dorsal parvocellular divisionleft

Output to

Nucleus of DarkschewitschipsiDk0
Oculomotor nucleusipsi30
Dorsolateral periaqueductal grayipsiDLPAG2
Lateral periaqueductal grayipsiLPAG2
Ventrolateral periaqueductal grayipsiVLPAG2
Edinger Westphal nucleusipsiEW2
Dorsal reticular formationipsiDRF1
Lateral parabrachial nucleus dorsal partipsiLPBD1
Lateral parabrachial nucleus lateral partipsiLPBL1
Lateral parabrachial nucleus central lateral partipsiLPBCL1
Nucleus of the solitary tractipsiSol3
Nucleus of the solitary tract commissural partipsiSolC3
Nucleus of the solitary tract medial partipsiSolM1
Dorsal motor nucleus of vagusipsi103
Ventral lateral medulla oblongataipsiMVL0.5
Caudal ventrolateral medullaipsiCVLM-0.5
Rostral ventrolateral medullaipsiRVLM-0.5
Pressor area of the rostral ventrolateral medullaipsiPRVLM-0.5
Medulla oblongata rostroventralipsiMeObRV-0.5
Median eminenceipsiME-0.5
Medial preoptic areaipsiMPA-0.5
Median preoptic nucleusipsiMnPO-0.5
Periventricular area of the preoptic regionipsiPVPREO-0.5
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus medial parvicellular part [Periventricular zone anterior region]ipsiPaMP-0.5
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus periventricular partipsiPapv-0.5
Pineal glandipsiPi4
Pituitary glandipsiPIT1
Dorsal part of the lateral funiculusipsilfd-2
Lateral funiculus of the upper thoracic spinal cordipsilfutsc-2
Medial part of the lateral funiculusipsimelf-2
Anterior cingulate cortexipsiACC-0.5
Insular cortexipsiICX-10
Spinal cordipsiMES-0.5
Intermediolateral cell columnipsiIML-0.5
Deep dorsal hornipsiMESdL-0.5
Cervical segmentsipsiCSeg0
Cervical segment 1ipsiCS12
Spinal cord layers C1ipsiSCLC13
Spinal cord layer 1 C1ipsiSCL1C13
Cervical segment 2ipsiCS22
Spinal cord layers C2ipsiSCLC23
Spinal cord layer 1 C2ipsiSCL1C23
Cervical segment 3ipsiCS32
Spinal cord layers C3ipsiSCLC33
Spinal cord layer 1 C3ipsiSCL1C33
Spinal cord layer 1 C4ipsiSCL1C43
Spinal cord layer 1 C5ipsiSCL1C53
Spinal cord layer 1 C6ipsiSCL1C63
Spinal cord layer 1 C7ipsiSCL1C73
Spinal cord layer 1 C8ipsiSCL1C83
Thoracal segment 1ipsiT13
Central autonomic area of thoracal segment 1ipsiCAAT1-0.5
Intermediolateral cell column T1ipsiIMLT13
Spinal cord layers T1ipsiSCLT13
Spinal cord layer 1 T1ipsiSCL1T13
Thoracal segment 2ipsiT23
Central autonomic area of thoracal segment 2ipsiCAAT2-0.5
Intermediolateral cell column T2ipsiIMLT23
Spinal cord layers T2ipsiSCLT23
Spinal cord layer 1 T2ipsiSCL1T23
Thoracal segment 3ipsiT33
Central autonomic area of thoracal segment 3ipsiCAAT3-0.5
Intermediolateral cell column T3ipsiIMLT33
Spinal cord layers T3ipsiSCLT33
Spinal cord layer 1 T3ipsiSCL1T33
Thoracal segment 4ipsiT42
Central autonomic area of thoracal segment 4ipsiCAAT4-0.5
Intermediolateral cell column T4ipsiIMLT42.5
Spinal cord layers T4ipsiSCLT43
Spinal cord layer 1 T4ipsiSCL1T43
Intermediolateral cell column T5ipsiIMLT52.5
Spinal cord layer 1 T5ipsiSCL1T53
Intermediolateral cell column T6ipsiIMLT62.5
Spinal cord layer 1 T6ipsiSCL1T63
Intermediolateral cell column T7ipsiIMLT72.5
Spinal cord layer 1 T7ipsiSCL1T73
Thoracal segment 8ipsiT8-0.5
Intermediolateral cell column T8ipsiIMLT82.5
Spinal cord layer 1 T8ipsiSCL1T83
Thoracal segment 9ipsiT92
Intermediolateral cell column T9ipsiIMLT92.5
Spinal cord layer 1 T9ipsiSCL1T93
Intermediolateral cell column T10ipsiIMLT102.5
Spinal cord layer 1 T10ipsiSCL1T103
Intermediolateral cell column T11ipsiIMLT112.5
Spinal cord layer 1 T11ipsiSCL1T113
Intermediolateral cell column T12ipsiIMLT122.5
Spinal cord layer 1 T12ipsiSCL1T123
Intermediolateral cell column T13ipsiIMLT132.5
Spinal cord layers T13ipsiSCLT13-0.5
Spinal cord layer 1 T13ipsiSCL1T133
Lumbar segment 1ipsiL1-0.5
Intermediolateral cell column L1ipsiIMLL13
Spinal cord layers L1ipsiSCLL1-0.5
Spinal cord layer 1 L1ipsiSCL1L13
Intermediolateral cell column L2ipsiIMLL23
Spinal cord layer 1 L2ipsiSCL1L23
Spinal cord layer 1 L3ipsiSCL1L33
Spinal cord layer 1 L4ipsiSCL1L43
Dorsolateral nucleus lumbal segment 5ipsiDLNL5-0.5
Spinal cord layers L5ipsiSCLL5-0.5
Dorsal horn L5ipsiDHL5-0.5
Spinal cord layer 1 L5ipsiSCL1L53
Ventral horn L5ipsiVHL5-0.5
Spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus lumbal segment 5ipsiBCL51
Lumbar segment 6ipsiL6-0.5
Dorsolateral nucleus lumbal segment 6ipsiDLNL6-0.5
Spinal cord layers L6ipsiSCLL6-0.5
Dorsal horn L6ipsiDHL6-0.5
Spinal cord layer 1 L6ipsiSCL1L63
Ventral horn L6ipsiVHL6-0.5
Spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus lumbal segment 6ipsiBCL61
Sacral segment 1ipsiSa1-0.5
Spinal cord layer 1 S1ipsiSCL1S13
Spinal cord layer 1 S2ipsiSCL1S23
Spinal cord layer 1 S3ipsiSCL1S33
Spinal cord layer 1 S4ipsiSCL1S43
Ventral horn of spinal cordipsiVHMES0.5
Dorsolateral periaqueductal graycontraDLPAG0
Lateral periaqueductal graycontraLPAG1
Ventrolateral periaqueductal graycontraVLPAG1
Lateral parabrachial nucleus dorsal partcontraLPBD-0.5
Lateral parabrachial nucleus lateral partcontraLPBL-0.5
Lateral parabrachial nucleus central lateral partcontraLPBCL-0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tractcontraSol0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tract medial partcontraSolM0.5
Ventral lateral medulla oblongatacontraMVL0.5
Median preoptic nucleuscontraMnPO-0.5
Intermediolateral cell columncontraIML1
Cervical segment 1contraCS10.5
Cervical segment 2contraCS20.5
Cervical segment 3contraCS30.5
Intermediolateral cell column T1contraIMLT10.5
Intermediolateral cell column T2contraIMLT20.5
Intermediolateral cell column T3contraIMLT30.5
Thoracal segment 4contraT40.5
Intermediolateral cell column T4contraIMLT40.5
Intermediolateral cell column T5contraIMLT50.5
Intermediolateral cell column T6contraIMLT60.5
Intermediolateral cell column T7contraIMLT70.5
Intermediolateral cell column T8contraIMLT80.5
Thoracal segment 9contraT90.5
Intermediolateral cell column T9contraIMLT90.5
Intermediolateral cell column T10contraIMLT100.5
Intermediolateral cell column T11contraIMLT110.5
Intermediolateral cell column T12contraIMLT120.5
Intermediolateral cell column T13contraIMLT130.5
Intermediolateral cell column L1contraIMLL10.5
Spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus lumbal segment 5contraBCL51
Spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus lumbal segment 6contraBCL61
Intercapsular brown adipose tissueipsiOrgBATi-10
Costal region of the diaphragmipsiMuscLDiaC-0.5
Genioglossus muscleipsiMuscGenioG-0.5
Corpus cavernosumipsiOrgCC-0.5
Costal region of the diaphragmcontraMuscLDiaC-0.5
Genioglossus musclecontraMuscGenioG-0.5
Upper lung lobeLipsiOrgsLungU3
Upper lung lobeLcontraOrgsLungU-0.5

Input from

Ventrolateral periaqueductal grayipsiVLPAG-0.5
Locus coeruleusipsiLC-0.5
Medullary reticular nucleusipsiMdD1
C1 adrenaline cellsipsiC1-0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tractipsiSol3
Ventral lateral medulla oblongataipsiMVL3
Rostral ventrolateral medullaipsiRVLM3
A1 noradrenergic cellsipsiA1-0.5
A2 noradrenergic cellsipsiA2-0.5
Preoptic regionipsiPREO-0.5
Lateral preoptic areaipsiLPO1
Medial preoptic areaipsiMPA2
Median preoptic areaipsiMnPA2
Periventricular area of the preoptic regionipsiPVPREO2
Dorsal cap of the vascular organ of the lamina terminalisipsiVOLTdc3
Lateral margin of the vascular organ of the lamina terminalisipsiLmVOLT3
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleusipsiDMHy4
Lateral hypothalamic area anterior part [Preoptic anterior region]ipsiLHAapar0
Lateral hypothalamic area posterior part [Preoptic anterior region]ipsiLHApPAR0
Lateral hypothalamic area premammillary subfornical region [Preoptic anterior region]ipsiLHAsfp1
Lateral zoneipsiLHA1
Lateral hypothalamic areaipsiLH2
Lateral hypothalamic area motor related juxtaventromedial regionipsiLHAjvm0
Lateral hypothalamic area subfornical region anterior zoneipsiLHAsfa0
Anterior perifornical regionipsiPFxa1
Anterior hypothalamic areaipsiAHA2
Anterior hypothalamic area anterior partipsiAHAA0.5
Anterior hypothalamic area caudal partipsiAHAca1
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus [Medial zone]ipsiDM4
Posterior hypothalamic areaipsiPHA1
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleusipsiVMH2
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus rostrocaudal extentipsiVMHrc2
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus medial parvicellular part caudal levelipsiPaMPC3
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus lateral partipsiPaLa-0.5
Outside the boundaries of the suprachiasmatic nucleusipsiOBSCh-0.5
Paraventricular nucleus lateral parvocellular partipsiPaLp1
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus periventricular part at caudal levelipsiPapvc3
Paraventricular nucleus anterior partipsiPaan2
Periventricular hypothalamic nucleus extreme ventral partipsiPeeV-0.5
Subparaventricular zone of the hypothalamusipsiSPa0
Suprachiasmatic nucleusipsiSCh2
Suprachiasmatic nucleus lateral divisionipsiSChl0.5
Suprachiasmatic nucleus medial divisionipsiSCnM1.5
Suprachiasmatic nucleus ventral divisionipsiSChv-0.5
Suprachiasmatic nucleus ventrolateral partipsiSCnVL0.5
Area around supraoptic nucleusipsiSoRa2
Premammillary nucleusipsiPMAN1
Premammillary nucleus ventral partipsiPMV3
Supramammillar nucleusipsiSuM1
Retrochiasmatic areaipsiRCh1
Paraventricular thalamic nucleusipsiPV2
Subfornical organipsiSFO1
Zona incertaipsiZI1
Anterior basomedial nucleusipsiBMA1
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalisipsiBST3
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis lateral division ventral partipsiBSTLV1
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis medial division ventral partipsiBSTMV3
Medial amygdaloid nucleus anterodorsal partipsiMeAD1.5
Precommissural nucleusipsiPrC-2
Lateral septal nucleus ventral part rostral partipsiLSVR1
Lateral septal nucleus ventral part caudal partipsiLSVC2.5
Septohypothalamic nucleus rostral partipsiSHyR1
Septohypothalamic nucleus caudal partipsiSHyC2.5
Locus coeruleuscontraLC-0.5
C1 adrenaline cellscontraC1-0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tractcontraSol-0.5
Ventral lateral medulla oblongatacontraMVL-0.5
A1 noradrenergic cellscontraA1-0.5
A2 noradrenergic cellscontraA2-0.5
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleuscontraDMHy-0.5
Paraventricular thalamic nucleuscontraPV-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminaliscontraBST0

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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