University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Rostral periolivary region right

Superior regionsPeriolivary area

Rostral periolivary regionRPOEng
Rostral periolivary nucleus Eng

Rostral periolivary region lateral partright
Ventral part of the rostral zone of the periolivary regionright
Caudal part of the rostral periolivary regionright

Output to

Pontine reticular nucleus caudal partcontraPNC1
Dorsal cochlear nucleuscontraDC3
Ventral cochlear nucleuscontraVC-0.5
Vestibulocochlear nervecontra8n-2
Central nucleus of the inferior colliculus dorsal partipsiCICD3
Central nucleus of the inferior colliculus ventral partipsiCICV3
Ventrolateral tegmental areaipsiVLTg1
Pontine reticular nucleus caudal partipsiPNC1
Cochlear nucleusipsiCON-0.5
Ventral cochlear nucleusipsiVC-0.5
Vestibulocochlear nerveipsi8n-2
Medial superior oliveipsiMSO0
Caudal superior olivary complexipsiSuOLiC0
Superior paraolivary nucleusipsiSPO3
Olivocochlear bundleipsiocob-2
Olivocochlear fibersipsiocf-2
Musculus tensor tympanicontraMuscTeTy-0.5
Scala tympaniipsiOrgEariST-0.5
Orbicularis oculi muscleipsiMuscOrbOc-0.5
Musculus tensor tympaniipsiMuscTeTy-0.5

Input from

Nuclei of the lateral lemniscuscontraNLL-0.5
Central nucleus of the inferior colliculuscontraCIC-0.5
Superior colliculuscontraSC-0.5
Cochlear nucleuscontraCON3
Ventral cochlear nucleus posterior partcontraVCP2.5
Central amygdaloid nucleuscontraCe-1
Brachium pontis stem of middle cerebellar peduncleipsibp0
Nuclei of the lateral lemniscusipsiNLL3
Dorsal nucleus of the lateral lemniscusipsiDLL-0.5
Periaqueductal grayipsiPAG-0.5
Dorsolateral pontine nucleusipsiDLPn0
Central nucleus of the inferior colliculusipsiCIC3
Central nucleus of the inferior colliculus ventral partipsiCICV0.5
Medial nucleus of the commissure of the inferior nucleusipsicicM-0.5
External cortex of the inferior colliculusipsiECIC3
Rostrocaudal extent of the external cortex of the inferior colliculusipsiECICRC1
Dorsal cortex of the inferior colliculusipsiDCIC1
Superior colliculusipsiSC3
Ventrolateral tegmental areaipsiVLTg1
Reticular systemipsiRF-0.5
Cochlear nucleusipsiCON3
Rostral part of the anteroventral cochlear nucleusipsiAVCONrp-0.5
Ventral cochlear nucleus posterior partipsiVCP2.5
Superior periolivary nucleusipsiSPOA0
Lateral lemniscusipsill3
Central amygdaloid nucleusipsiCe-1

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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