University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Lateral cervical nucleus C5 right

Superior regionsCervical segment 5

Lateral cervical nucleus C5LatCC5 

Output to

Central gray mesencephalic part intercollicular levelcontraCGMint1
Nucleus of DarkschewitschcontraDk-0.5
Oculomotor nucleuscontra3-0.5
Periaqueductal gray lateroventral partcontraPAGLV1
Intercollicular nucleuscontraInCo-0.5
Superior colliculuscontraSC-0.5
Edinger Westphal nucleuscontraEW-0.5
Interstitial nucleus of CajalcontraInC-0.5
Posterior thalamic nuclear groupcontraPo1
Medial part of posterior thalamic nuclear groupcontraPoM-0.5
Submedius thalamic nucleuscontraSub0.5
Ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleuscontraVPL1
Ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleuscontraVPM1
Ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus parvicellular partcontraVPLpc-0.5
Intralaminar nucleicontraILN1
Pretectal regioncontraPRT-0.5
Area X L4contraSCL10L4-0.5
Spinal cord layer 8 L4contraSCL8L4-0.5
Periaqueductal gray lateroventral partipsiPAGLV0.5
Prerubral fieldipsiPR-3
Dorsal column nucleiipsiDCN2
Anteromedial thalamic nucleusipsiAM-3
Paracentral thalamic nucleusipsiPC-3
Rhomboid thalamic nucleusipsiRh-3
Posterior thalamic nuclear groupipsiPo1
Submedius thalamic nucleusipsiSub0.5
Reuniens thalamic nucleusipsiRe-3
Reuniens thalamic nucleus ventral partipsiReV-3
Ventrolateral thalamic nucleusipsiVL-3
Ventrobasal complexipsiVB-3
Ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleusipsiVPL1
Ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleusipsiVPM1
Ventromedial thalamic nucleusipsiVM-3
Intralaminar nucleiipsiILN1
Posterior groupipsiPTG-3
Ventral medial nucleus of the thalamusipsiVMT-3
Area X L4ipsiSCL10L4-0.5
Spinal cord layer 8 L4ipsiSCL8L4-0.5

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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