University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Corpus callosum right

Superior regionsLarge fiber tracts

Corpus callosumccEng

Anterior forceps of the lateral edge of the corpus callosumright
Anterior occipital callosal ringright
Callosal band on the medial border of area 3right
Forceps major of the corpus callosumright
Forceps minor of the corpus callosumright
Genu of the corpus callosumright
Main callosal bandright
Rostrum of the corpus callosumright
Splenium of the corpus callosumright
Medial edge of the callosal bandright
Anterior portion of the corpus callosumright
Corpus callosum caudal portionright
Corpus callosum rostral portionright
Ventral part of corpus callosumright
Around corpus callosumright

Output to

Visual regionscontraVR0
Jugular veinipsijugV-2
Substantia nigra A9ipsiSN-2
Caudate putamenipsiCPu-0.5
Cerebral cortexipsiCEC-0.5
Lateral parietal association cortexipsiLPtA-2
Granular insular cortexipsiGI-2
Somatomotoric regionsipsiSMR-2
Motoric regionsipsiM-2
Forelimb motor cortexipsiFMCx-2
Caudal forelimb motor areaipsiCFMA-2
Lateral part of the granular cortex of forelimb motor regionsipsiLFMCx-2
Medial prefrontal cortexipsimPFC-2
Motoric regions layer 1ipsiMRL1-2
Motoric regions layer 2ipsiMRL2-2
Motoric regions layer 3ipsiMRL3-2
Motoric regions layer 5ipsiMRL5-2
Motoric regions layer 6ipsiMRL6-2
Motoric regions layer 4ipsiMRL4-2
Primary somatosensory cortexipsiS1-2
Area 17 area 18 border regionipsiVR1B2-2
Area 17 area 18a border regionipsiVR1B2a-2
Primary visual cortexipsiV1-2
Visual cortical area 17 adjacent to area 18bipsiV1V2b-2
Secondary visual cortex medial areaipsiV2M-2
Lateral septal nucleusipsiLS-0.5

Input from

Ventromedial thalamic nucleus dorsal partcontraVMTd-2
Somatomotoric regionscontraSMR-2
Motoric regionscontraM-10
Caudal forelimb motor areacontraCFMA-2
Central part of jaw motor areacontraCJMCx-2
Medial prefrontal cortexcontramPFC-2
Sensory regionscontraSR-2
Primary somatosensory cortexcontraS1-10
Secondary somatosensory cortex layer 5contraS2L5-2
Secondary somatosensory cortex layer 6 acontraS2L6a-2
Secondary somatosensory cortex layer 6 bcontraS2L6b-2
Visual regionscontraVR0
Primary visual cortex layer 5contraV1L5-0.5
Laterodorsal tegmental nucleusipsiLDTg0
Locus coeruleus anterior partipsiLCa0
Locus coeruleus coreipsiLCco-0.5
Extreme dorsal edge of the locus coeruleusipsiEDLC0
Locus coeruleus posterior partipsiLCp1
Extreme ventral part of the locus coeruleusipsiLCev0.5
Subcoeruleus nucleusipsiSubC0
Median raphe nucleusipsiMnR-2
Medial septal nucleus rostral part ventral portionipsiMSRVp1
Medial septal nucleus rostrodorsal partipsiMSrd1
Anterodorsal thalamic nucleus rostrodorsal tipipsiADrd-2
Anterodorsal thalamic nucleus rostroventral tipipsiADrv-2
Anteroventral thalamic nucleus parvicellular part rostrodorsal partipsiAVpaRD-2
Gelatinosus thalamic nucleusipsiG-0.5
Paracentral thalamic nucleusipsiPC-0.5
Ventrolateral thalamic nucleusipsiVL-2
Ventral posterior thalamic complexipsiVPT-0.5
Ventromedial thalamic nucleus caudal two thirdsipsiVMctt-0.5
Ventromedial thalamic nucleus lateral partipsiVML-2
Caudate putamenipsiCPu-0.5
Subthalamic nucleusipsiSTh-0.5
Retrosplenial agranular cortexipsiRSA-0.5
Retrosplenial agranular cortex layer 5ipsiRSAL5-2
Retrosplenial agranular cortex layer 6ipsiRSAL6-2
Cingulate cortexipsiCg-2
Anterior cingulate cortex anterior part layer 5ipsiACCaL5-0.5
Anterior cingulate cortex layer 6ipsiACCL6-0.5
Cingulate cortex area 1ipsiCg1-0.5
Cingulate cortex area 2ipsiCg2-0.5
Caudal cingulate cortexipsiCCg-2
Rostral part of the cingulate cortexipsiRCg-2
Prelimbic cortexipsiPrL-2
Prelimbic cortex deep layersipsiPrLDL-2
Frontal association cortexipsiFrA-2
Frontal cortex area 2ipsiFr2-0.5
Parietal association cortexipsiPtA-2
Lateral parietal association cortexipsiLPtA-2
Parietomarginal cortexipsiPtAm0
Temporal cortexipsiTE-2
Temporal association cortex 1 layer 3ipsiTeAL3-2
Temporal association cortex 1 layer 5ipsiTeAL5-2
Temporal association cortex 1 layer 6aipsiTeAL6a-2
Temporal association cortex 1 layer 2ipsiTeAL2-2
Primary auditory cortex layer 2ipsiAu1L2-2
Primary auditory cortex layer 3ipsiAu1L3-2
Primary auditory cortex layer 5ipsiAu1L5-2
Primary auditory cortex layer 6aipsiAu1L6a-2
Secondary auditory cortex lateral part layer 6aipsiAu2LaL6a-2
Secondary auditory cortex ventral area layer 2ipsiAuVL2-2
Secondary auditory cortex ventral area layer 3ipsiAuVL3-2
Secondary auditory cortex ventral area layer 5ipsiAuVL5-2
Secondary auditory cortex ventral area layer 6aipsiAuVL6a-2
Insular cortexipsiICX-2
Dysgranular insular cortex layer 2ipsiDIL2-2
Dysgranular insular cortex layer 3ipsiDIL3-2
Dysgranular insular cortex layer 5ipsiDIL5-2
Dysgranular insular cortex layer 6aipsiDIL6a-2
Somatomotoric regionsipsiSMR-2
Lateral agranular prefrontal cortexipsiAGl2
Forelimb motor cortexipsiFMCx-2
Caudal forelimb motor areaipsiCFMA-2
Lateral part of the granular cortex of forelimb motor regionsipsiLFMCx-2
Central part of jaw motor areaipsiCJMCx-2
Whiskers motor cortex layer 5ipsiWMCxL5-2
Whiskers motor cortex layer 6ipsiWMCxL6-2
Sensory regionsipsiSR-2
Primary somatosensory cortexipsiS1-2
Primary somatosensory cortex barrel field bottom of layer 3ipsiS1BbF3-2
Primary somatosensory cortex barrel field layer 5ipsiS1BF5-2
Primary somatosensory cortex layer 6ipsiS1L6-0.5
Secondary somatosensory cortex layer 2ipsiS2L2-2
Secondary somatosensory cortex layer 3ipsiS2L3-2
Secondary somatosensory cortex layer 5ipsiS2L5-2
Secondary somatosensory cortex layer 6 aipsiS2L6a-2
Secondary somatosensory cortex layer 6 bipsiS2L6b-2
Underlying white matter of the secondary somatosensory cortexipsiS2Lwm-2
Visual regionsipsiVR-2
Primary visual cortexipsiV1-2
Secondary visual cortex lateral areaipsiV2L-2
Secondary visual cortex lateral area layer 2ipsiV2LL2-2
Secondary visual cortex lateral area layer 3ipsiV2LL3-2
Secondary visual cortex lateral area layer 5ipsiV2LL5-2
Preorbital cortexipsiprOrFCx0
Postorbital cortexipsipoOrFCx0
Intermediate part of the dorsal medial septumipsiDMSim1
Dorsolateral septumipsiDLSER0
Intermediate part of the ventral medial septumipsiVMSeim1

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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