University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Sensory regions right

Superior regionsSomatomotoric regions

Somato sensory area  
Sensorimotor cortex  
Sensory regionsSREng
Ventrolateral part of frontal lobe Eng
Granular cortex Eng
Anterior lateral dorsal cortex Eng
Somatosensory cortex  
Sensory cortical area Eng
Somato sensory cortex Eng
Somatosensory areas  
Sensory-motor cortex  
Somesthetic region Eng

Anterolateral somatosensory cortexright
Dorsal somatosensory regionright
Dorsomedial part of somatosensory cortexright
Primary somatosensory cortexright
Secondary somatosensory cortexright
Sensory regions layersright
Sensory regions posterior partright
Sensory regions rostral partright
Septal region of the primary somatosensory cortexright
Supplemental somatosensory arearight
Whisker zone at lateral border of S1right
Whisker zone at rhinal sulcusright
Anterior to whisker zone at lateral border S1right
Between lateral to S1 and rhinal sulcusright
S1 S2 border zoneright
Transition zone between S2 and the insular and auditory cortexright
Lateral part of sensorimotor arearight
Middle part of the somatosensory cortexright
Medial part of the somatosensory cortexright
Lateral part of somatosensory cortex layersright
Primary somatosensory zone adjacent to dysgranular anterior insular cortexright
Frontoparietal somatosensory cortexright
Somatosensory genital cortexright
Posterior ventral somatosensory cortexright
Extratrigeminal sensory regionsright

Output to

Superior colliculuscontraSC0
Superior colliculus intermediate and deep layerscontraSCidLa-0.5
Subadjacent periventricular gray to the floor of the fourth ventriclecontraPPG4v3
Dorsal reticular formationcontraDRF3
Medullary reticular nucleus dorsal partcontraMdDd3
Parvicellular reticular nucleuscontraPCRt3
Parvicellular reticular nucleus medial partcontraPCRtm3
Ambiguus nucleuscontraAmb3
Area postremacontraAP0
Spinal trigeminal nucleuscontraSp5nc3
Dorsomedial portion of the spinal trigeminal nucleus oral partcontraSp5ODM-0.5
Peripheral division of the pars zonale of the spinal trigeminal nucleuscontraSp5ncZP4
Nucleus of the solitary tractcontraSol3
Nucleus of the solitary tract commissural partcontraSolC0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tract dorsal partcontraSolD3
Nucleus of the solitary tract dorsomedial partcontraSolDM3
Nucleus of the solitary tract intermediate partcontraSolIM3
Nucleus of the solitary tract interstitial partcontraSoli3
Nucleus of the solitary tract medial partcontraSolM0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tract rostral partcontraSolro3
Nucleus of the solitary tract ventral partcontraSolV3
Nucleus of the solitary tract ventrolateral partcontraSolVL3
Around the nucleus of the solitary tractcontraSolAr-2
Nucleus of the solitary tract cardiopulmonary regioncontraSolCP1.5
Ventral subnucleus of Kalia and Sullivan of the nucleus of the solitary tractcontraSolks2
Dorsal aspect of the medial subnucleus of Kalia and Sullivan of the nucleus of the solitary tractcontraSoldmks3
Dorsal motor nucleus of vaguscontra103
Commissural nucleus of vaguscontra10com3
Rostral ventrolateral medullacontraRVLM2
Cuneate nucleus ventral partcontraCuV2
Retrotrapezoid nucleuscontraRTN0.5
Basal nucleus MeynertcontraB0
Tuberomammillary nucleuscontraTuM0.5
Posterior region [Lateral division of the hypothalamus]contraPReg0.5
Tuberal region of lateral hypothalamuscontraTuLH0.5
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleuscontraMD2
Zona incertacontraZI0
Nucleus of the fields of ForelcontraF0
Corpus callosumcontracc-2
Dorsal funiculuscontradfu-2
Caudate putamencontraCPu1
Dorsomedial striatumcontraCPudm0.5
Dorsolateral striatumcontraCPudl2
Parietal association cortexcontraPtA-0.5
Perirhinal cortex upper partcontraPRhu-0.5
Sensory regionscontraSR-0.5
Somatosensory cortex layer 2contraSRL2-0.5
Somatosensory cortex layer 3contraSRL3-0.5
Somatosensory cortex layer 5contraSRL5-0.5
Somatosensory cortex layer 6contraSRL6-0.5
Primary visual cortexcontraV1-1
Pyramidal tractcontrapy-2
Spinal cord layer 5 C1contraSCL5C1-0.5
Spinal cord layer 6 C1contraSCL6C1-0.5
Spinal cord layer 4 C1contraSCL4C1-0.5
Spinal cord layer 5 C2contraSCL5C2-0.5
Spinal cord layer 6 C2contraSCL6C2-0.5
Spinal cord layer 4 C2contraSCL4C2-0.5
Intermediomedial cell column C4contraIMMC4-0.5
Spinal cord layer 5 C5contraSCL5C5-0.5
Spinal cord layer 6 C5contraSCL6C5-0.5
Spinal cord layer 4 C5contraSCL4C5-0.5
Spinal cord layer 5 C6contraSCL5C6-0.5
Spinal cord layer 6 C6contraSCL6C6-0.5
Spinal cord layer 4 C6contraSCL4C6-0.5
Intermediolateral cell column T1contraIMLT10
Intermediomedial cell column T1contraIMMT10
Intermediolateral cell column T2contraIMLT20
Intermediomedial cell column T2contraIMMT20
Intermediolateral cell column T3contraIMLT30
Intermediomedial cell column T3contraIMMT30
Intermediolateral cell column T4contraIMLT40
Intermediomedial cell column T4contraIMMT40
Intermediolateral cell column T5contraIMLT50
Intermediomedial cell column T5contraIMMT5-0.5
Intermediolateral cell column T6contraIMLT60
Intermediomedial cell column T6contraIMMT60
Intermediolateral cell column T7contraIMLT70
Intermediomedial cell column T7contraIMMT70
Intermediolateral cell column T8contraIMLT80
Intermediomedial cell column T8contraIMMT80
Intermediolateral cell column T9contraIMLT90
Intermediomedial cell column T9contraIMMT90
Intermediolateral cell column T10contraIMLT100
Intermediomedial cell column T10contraIMMT10-0.5
Intermediolateral cell column T11contraIMLT110
Intermediomedial cell column T11contraIMMT110
Intermediolateral cell column T12contraIMLT120
Intermediomedial cell column T12contraIMMT120
Intermediolateral cell column T13contraIMLT130
Intermediomedial cell column T13contraIMMT130
Lumbar segmentscontraLSeg0
Lumbar segment 1contraL1-0.5
Lumbar segment 2contraL2-0.5
Intermediomedial cell column L6contraIMML6-0.5
Sacral segmentscontraSSeg0
Intermediomedial cell column S1contraIMMS1-0.5
Thalamic blood vesselsipsiArtThal-0.5
Central gray dorsal partipsiCGD-0.5
Central gray lateral partipsiCGL-0.5
Superior colliculusipsiSC3
Intermediate gray layer of the superior colliculusipsiInG3
Intermediate white layer of the superior colliculusipsiInWh3
Intermediate white layer upper part of the superior colliculusipsiInWh13
Upper half of the intermediate white layer of the superior colliculusipsiInWhuh2
Superior colliculus deep layersipsiSCd-0.5
Edinger Westphal nucleusipsiEW1
Subadjacent periventricular gray to the floor of the fourth ventricleipsiPPG4v2
Pontine nucleus ventral partipsiBPNv-0.5
Dorsal reticular formationipsiDRF2
Mesencephalic reticular formationipsiMRF1
Pontine reticular nucleusipsiPRN1
Lateral part of the central pontine reticular nucleusipsiNRTPLc3
Lateral reticular nucleusipsiLRt2
Medullary reticular nucleus dorsal partipsiMdDd2
Parvicellular reticular nucleusipsiPCRt2
Parvicellular reticular nucleus medial partipsiPCRtm2
Ambiguus nucleusipsiAmb2
Area postremaipsiAP0
Spinal trigeminal nucleusipsiSp5nc2
Peripheral division of the pars zonale of the spinal trigeminal nucleusipsiSp5ncZP3
Cochlear nucleusipsiCON0
Nucleus of the solitary tractipsiSol2
Nucleus of the solitary tract commissural partipsiSolC0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tract dorsal partipsiSolD2
Nucleus of the solitary tract dorsomedial partipsiSolDM2
Nucleus of the solitary tract intermediate partipsiSolIM2
Nucleus of the solitary tract interstitial partipsiSoli2
Nucleus of the solitary tract medial partipsiSolM0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tract rostral partipsiSolro2
Nucleus of the solitary tract ventral partipsiSolV2
Nucleus of the solitary tract ventrolateral partipsiSolVL2
Around the nucleus of the solitary tractipsiSolAr-2
Nucleus of the solitary tract cardiopulmonary regionipsiSolCP1
Ventral subnucleus of Kalia and Sullivan of the nucleus of the solitary tractipsiSolks1
Dorsal aspect of the medial subnucleus of Kalia and Sullivan of the nucleus of the solitary tractipsiSoldmks2
Dorsal motor nucleus of vagusipsi102
Commissural nucleus of vagusipsi10com2
Dorsal raphe nucleusipsiDR-0.5
Dorsal raphe nucleus dorsal partipsiDRD1
Dorsal raphe nucleus ventral partipsiDRV1
Medial raphe nucleusipsiMeR-0.5
Rostral ventrolateral medullaipsiRVLM2
Caudal medulla oblongataipsiCMeOb-2
Inferior olive dorsal nucleusipsiIOD-0.5
Inferior olive medial nucleus caudal partipsiIOMc-0.5
Inferior olive principal nucleusipsiIOPr-0.5
Retrotrapezoid nucleusipsiRTN1
Basal nucleus MeynertipsiB1
Tuberomammillary nucleusipsiTuM0.5
Posterior region [Lateral division of the hypothalamus]ipsiPReg0.5
Juxtaparaventricular part caudal [Lateral hypothalamic area [Preoptic anterior region]]ipsiJPVC0
Juxtaparaventricular part rostral [Lateral hypothalamic area [Preoptic anterior region]]ipsiJPVR0
Lateral hypothalamic area juxtadorsomedial regionipsiJDM0
Lateral hypothalamic area motor related juxtaventromedial region dorsal zoneipsiLHAjvd0
Lateral hypothalamic area motor related juxtaventromedial region ventral zoneipsiLHAjvv0
Tuberal region of lateral hypothalamusipsiTuLH0.5
Anteromedial thalamic nucleusipsiAM2
Anteroventral thalamic nucleusipsiAV3
Lateral group of the dorsal thalamusipsiLAT2
Posterior thalamic nuclear groupipsiPo-0.5
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleusipsiMD-0.5
Submedius thalamic nucleusipsiSub-0.5
Ventrolateral thalamic nucleusipsiVL2
Ventral posterior thalamic complexipsiVPT-0.5
Ventrobasal complexipsiVB-0.5
Ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleusipsiVPM4
Ventrobasal complex anterior partipsiVBa2
Parafascicular centre-median complexipsiPFCM1
Posteromedian thalamic nucleusipsiPoMn4
Reticular thalamic nucleus caudal partipsiRtc3
Reticular thalamic nucleus central partipsiRtCe3
Reticular thalamic nucleus rostrocaudal partipsiRtrc0.5
Zona incertaipsiZI2
Nucleus of the fields of ForelipsiF0
Zona incerta caudal partipsiZIC3
Zona incerta ventral partipsiZIV3
Corpus callosumipsicc-2
Lateral nucleus accumbensipsiAcl-1
Caudate putamenipsiCPu3
Dorsomedial striatumipsiCPudm0.5
Dorsolateral striatumipsiCPudl4
Ventrolateral striatumipsiCPuvl-1
Fundus of the striatumipsiFS-1
Frontal association cortex layer 5ipsiFrALL53
Frontal association cortex layer 6ipsiFrALL63
Parietal association cortexipsiPtA3
Lateral parietal association cortexipsiLPtA2
Medial parietal association cortexipsiMPtA1
Temporal association area 3ipsiTe3-0.5
Temporal association cortex 1 rostral partipsiTeAr-0.5
Auditory regionsipsiAU-0.5
Perirhinal cortex upper partipsiPRhu-0.5
Anterior prefrontal cortexipsiAPFC-0.5
Somatomotoric regionsipsiSMR0.5
Motoric regionsipsiM1
Lateral agranular prefrontal cortexipsiAGl-0.5
Posterior prefrontal cortexipsiPoPFC-0.5
Visual regionsipsiVR0.5
Anterolateral part of the lateral extrastriate cortexipsiVISLaL3
Lateromedial part of the lateral extrastriate cortexipsiVISLLM3
Lateral orbital cortexipsiLO-0.5
Olfactory tubercleipsiTuO-1
Spinal cordipsiMES-0.5
Pyramidal tractipsipy-0.5
Rubrospinal tractipsirs-0.5
Spinal cord layer 5 C1ipsiSCL5C1-0.5
Spinal cord layer 6 C1ipsiSCL6C1-0.5
Spinal cord layer 4 C1ipsiSCL4C1-0.5
Spinal cord layer 5 C2ipsiSCL5C2-0.5
Spinal cord layer 6 C2ipsiSCL6C2-0.5
Spinal cord layer 4 C2ipsiSCL4C2-0.5
Spinal cord layer 5 C5ipsiSCL5C5-0.5
Spinal cord layer 6 C5ipsiSCL6C5-0.5
Spinal cord layer 4 C5ipsiSCL4C5-0.5
Spinal cord layer 5 C6ipsiSCL5C6-0.5
Spinal cord layer 6 C6ipsiSCL6C6-0.5
Spinal cord layer 4 C6ipsiSCL4C6-0.5
Intermediolateral cell column T1ipsiIMLT10
Intermediomedial cell column T1ipsiIMMT10
Intermediolateral cell column T2ipsiIMLT20
Intermediomedial cell column T2ipsiIMMT20
Intermediolateral cell column T3ipsiIMLT30
Intermediomedial cell column T3ipsiIMMT30
Intermediolateral cell column T4ipsiIMLT40
Intermediomedial cell column T4ipsiIMMT40
Mid thoracal segmentsipsiTSegM-0.5
Intermediolateral cell column T5ipsiIMLT50
Intermediomedial cell column T5ipsiIMMT50
Intermediolateral cell column T6ipsiIMLT60
Intermediomedial cell column T6ipsiIMMT60
Intermediolateral cell column T7ipsiIMLT70
Intermediomedial cell column T7ipsiIMMT70
Intermediolateral cell column T8ipsiIMLT80
Intermediomedial cell column T8ipsiIMMT80
Intermediolateral cell column T9ipsiIMLT90
Intermediomedial cell column T9ipsiIMMT90
Intermediolateral cell column T10ipsiIMLT100
Intermediomedial cell column T10ipsiIMMT100
Intermediolateral cell column T11ipsiIMLT110
Intermediomedial cell column T11ipsiIMMT110
Intermediolateral cell column T12ipsiIMLT120
Intermediomedial cell column T12ipsiIMMT120
Intermediolateral cell column T13ipsiIMLT130
Intermediomedial cell column T13ipsiIMMT130
Lumbar segmentsipsiLSeg-0.5
Sacral segmentsipsiSSeg0
Mammary glandcontraOrgMamG-0.5
Tibialis anterior muscleipsiMuscTA-0.5
Soleus muscleipsiMuscSo-0.5
Femoral bone marrowipsiOrgSkFemM1
Mammary glandipsiOrgMamG2
Epididymis caputipsiOrgEpiCa1
Epididymis caudaipsiOrgEpiCau3

Input from

Locus coeruleuscontraLC-0.5
Dorsal raphe nucleuscontraDR1
Lateral hypothalamic areacontraLH1
Tuberal division of the lateral hypothalamic areacontraLHTC1
Tuberal magnocellular nucleuscontraTUmag1
Posterior hypothalamic areacontraPHA1
Caudal magnocellular nucleuscontraCMC1
Caudal magnocellular nucleus posterior portioncontraCMCpp1
Supramammillar nucleuscontraSuM1
Perifornical nucleuscontraPeF1
Zona incertacontraZI1
Medial border Of the internal capsulecontraicmb1
Anterior part of the claustrumcontraACl1
Anteroposterior part of the claustrumcontraClAP-0.5
Central part of claustrumcontraCeCl2
Dorsal part of claustrumcontraDCl2
Posterior part of the claustrumcontraClP2
Extrem part of the posterior part of the claustrumcontraClPep0
Ventral part of claustrumcontraVCl1
Motor territory of the subthalamic nucleuscontraSThMo-0.5
Agranular insular cortex posterior part pressor sitecontraAIPp0.5
Sensory regionscontraSR-0.5
Somatosensory cortex layer 2contraSRL23
Somatosensory cortex layer 3contraSRL33
Somatosensory cortex layer 4contraSRL43
Somatosensory cortex layer 5contraSRL53
Somatosensory cortex layer 6contraSRL63
Primary visual cortexcontraV1-0.5
Secondary visual cortexcontraV2-0.5
Secondary visual cortex lateral areacontraV2L-1
Periventricular zone of the third ventriclecontra3Vpvz1
Periaqueductal gray medial partipsiPAGm2
Ventrolateral periaqueductal grayipsiVLPAG2
Substantia nigra A9ipsiSN-1
Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus pars compactaipsiPPNC1
Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus pars dissipataipsiPPNd1
A4 noradrenaline cellsipsiA40.5
A5 noradrenaline cellsipsiA51
Locus coeruleusipsiLC1
Locus coeruleus dorsal partipsiLCD3
Locus coeruleus ventral partipsiLCv-1
Locus coeruleus ventromedial partipsiVMLC0
Magnocellular reticular nucleus alpha partipsiNRMCa1
Magnocellular reticular nucleus beta partipsiNRMCb1
Nucleus reticular ventralis pars betaipsiRVb1
Nucleus reticularis ventralis pars alphaipsiRVa1
Nucleus reticularis subcuneiformisipsiRScf1
Pontine reticular nucleus oral part lateral partipsiPnOL1
Pontine reticular nucleus oral part medial partipsiPnOm1
Pontine reticular nucleus caudal part alphaipsiPnOca1
Pontine reticular nucleus caudal part betaipsiPnOcb1
Cuneiforme nucleusipsiCnF1
Koelliker Fuse nucleusipsiKF1
Lateral parabrachial nucleusipsiLPB1
Parabrachial nucleus medialipsiPBnMe1
Gigantocellular reticular nucleusipsiGi1
Gigantocellular reticular nucleus ventral partipsiGiV-0.5
Lateral reticular nucleusipsiLRt1
Medullary reticular nucleus dorsal partipsiMdDd1
Parvicellular reticular nucleusipsiPCRt0.5
Subcoeruleus nucleusipsiSubC1
Dorsal raphe nucleusipsiDR2
Linear nucleus of the rapheipsiLIR1
Superior central raphe nucleusipsiCS1
Pontine raphe nucleusipsiPnR1
Raphe dorsalislike neurons surrounding the medial longitudinal fasciculusipsica-mlf1
Raphe magnus nucleusipsiRMg1
Raphe obscurus nucleusipsiROb1
Raphe pallidus nucleusipsiRPa1
Dorsal column nucleiipsiDCN-0.5
Nucleus XipsiX1
Dorsal paragigantocellular nucleusipsiDPGi1
Lateral paragigantocellular nucleusipsiLPGi0
Basal forebrainipsiBAF3
Diagonal band of BrocaipsiDBB0.5
Nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal bandipsiHDB3
Basal nucleus MeynertipsiB3
Substantia innominataipsiSI3
Nucleus of the ansa lenticularisipsiAL2
Magnocellular preoptic nucleusipsiMCPO0.5
Juxtaparaventricular part caudal [Lateral hypothalamic area [Preoptic anterior region]]ipsiJPVC0
Juxtaparaventricular part rostral [Lateral hypothalamic area [Preoptic anterior region]]ipsiJPVR0
Lateral hypothalamic areaipsiLH3
Lateral hypothalamic area juxtadorsomedial regionipsiJDM0
Lateral hypothalamic area motor related juxtaventromedial region dorsal zoneipsiLHAjvd0
Lateral hypothalamic area motor related juxtaventromedial region ventral zoneipsiLHAjvv0
Tuberal division of the lateral hypothalamic areaipsiLHTC1
Tuberal magnocellular nucleusipsiTUmag3
Posterior hypothalamic areaipsiPHA3
Caudal magnocellular nucleusipsiCMC3
Caudal magnocellular nucleus posterior portionipsiCMCpp3
Supramammillar nucleusipsiSuM3
Supramammillar nucleus lateral partipsiSuML-0.5
Perifornical nucleusipsiPeF3
Central medial thalamic nucleusipsiCM-0.5
Centrolateral thalamic nucleusipsiCL-0.5
Gelatinosus thalamic nucleusipsiG2
Paracentral thalamic nucleusipsiPC2
Parafascicular thalamic nucleusipsiPF-0.5
Rhomboid thalamic nucleusipsiRh-0.5
Posterior thalamic nuclear groupipsiPo-0.5
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleus caudal two thirdsipsiMDCtt0
Ventral posterior thalamic complexipsiVPT-0.5
Ventrobasal complexipsiVB-0.5
Ventromedial thalamic nucleus caudal two thirdsipsiVMctt2
Intralaminar nucleiipsiILN1
Perireticular thalamic nucleusipsiPRTN2
Subparafascicular thalamic nucleusipsiSPF1
Subparafascicular thalamic nucleus rostral partipsiSPFr1
Zona incertaipsiZI3
Lateral habenular nucleusipsiLHb0
Internal capsuleipsiic-2
Medial border Of the internal capsuleipsiicmb3
Anterior basolateral nucleusipsiBLA-1
Posterior basolateral nucleusipsiBLP-1
Posterior basomedial nucleusipsiBMP-1
Nucleus of the lateral olfactory tractipsiLOT-1
Anterior part of the claustrumipsiACl2
Anterodorsal part of the claustrumipsiADCl3
Anteroposterior part of the claustrumipsiClAP-0.5
Central part of claustrumipsiCeCl4
Superficial central claustrumipsiCeCls3
Dorsal part of claustrumipsiDCl3
Posterior part of the claustrumipsiClP2
Extrem part of the posterior part of the claustrumipsiClPep0
Superficial rostral claustrumipsiRCls1
Ventral part of claustrumipsiVCl0.5
Globus pallidusipsiGP2
Caudal globus pallidusipsiGPc3
Lateral globus pallidusipsiLGP3
Medial globus pallidusipsiMGP0.5
Ventral pallidumipsiVP0.5
Lateral striatumipsiCPul-2
Subthalamic nucleusipsiSTh2
Motor territory of the subthalamic nucleusipsiSThMo-0.5
Lateral entorhinal cortexipsiLEnt1
Lateral entorhinal cortex layer 4ipsiLEntL42
Infralimbic cortex lateral partipsiILLa-0.5
Insular cortexipsiICX-2
Agranular insular cortex posterior partipsiAIP-2
Agranular insular cortex posterior part pressor siteipsiAIPp1
Granular insular cortex posterior partipsiGIpo-2
Anterior prefrontal cortexipsiAPFC-0.5
Motoric regionsipsiM-0.5
Primary somatosensory cortexipsiS13
Primary somatosensory cortex barrel fieldipsiS1BF-0.5
Posterior prefrontal cortexipsiPoPFC-0.5
Primary visual cortexipsiV1-1
Secondary visual cortexipsiV2-1
Anterolateral part of the lateral extrastriate cortexipsiVISLaL-0.5
Lateromedial part of the lateral extrastriate cortexipsiVISLLM-0.5
Periventricular zone of the third ventricleipsi3Vpvz3
Sciatic nervecontrasci-2

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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