University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Parabrachial nucleus external divison lateral part left

Superior regionsParabrachial nucleus external divison

Parabrachial nucleus external divison lateral partPBeDL 
External lateral parabrachial nucleus  
Externolateral parabrachial nucleus Eng

Ventral part of the parabrachial nucleus external divison lateral partleft
Caudal external lateral parabrachial arealeft
Parabrachial nucleus external divison rostral part of the lateral partleft

Output to

Ventrolateral periaqueductal grayipsiVLPAG-0.5
Laterodorsal tegmental nucleusipsiLDTg2
Locus coeruleusipsiLC1.5
Locus coeruleus dorsal half of the compact partipsiLCcDhC-0.5
Rostroventrolateral reticular nucleusipsiRVL3
Pontine reticular nucleusipsiPRN-2
Koelliker Fuse nucleusipsiKF2
Lateral parabrachial nucleusipsiLPB-2
Parabrachial nucleus medialipsiPBnMe-2
Gigantocellular reticular nucleusipsiGi1.5
Lateral reticular nucleusipsiLRt0
Medullary reticular nucleusipsiMdD3
Ambiguus nucleus compact partipsiAmbC0
Ambiguus nucleus external formationipsiAmbEx3
Ambiguus nucleus loose partipsiAmbL2
Ambiguus nucleus semicompact formationipsiAmbSeC3
Boetzinger complexipsiBo2
Accessory facial nucleusipsiAcs73
Facial nucleus lateral subnucleusipsi7L3
Motor trigeminal nucleusipsiMo5-2
Principal sensory trigeminal nucleusipsiPr51.5
Spinal trigeminal nucleusipsiSp5nc2
Spinal trigeminal nucleus caudal part ventral part layer 1ipsiSp5CVL1-0.5
Spinal trigeminal nucleus caudal part ventral part layer 2ipsiSp5CVL2-0.5
Superior vestibular nucleusipsiSuVe1
Medial vestibular nucleusipsiMVe2
Lateral vestibular nucleus alpha partipsiLVNa1
Lateral vestibular nucleus beta partipsiLVNb0.5
Lateral vestibular nucleus gamma partipsiLVNg1
Inferior vestibular nucleusipsiIVN2
Nucleus of the solitary tractipsiSol1.5
Nucleus of the solitary tract commissural partipsiSolC-0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tract medial partipsiSolM-0.5
Raphe magnus nucleusipsiRMg2
Ventral lateral medulla oblongataipsiMVL-0.5
Rostral ventrolateral medullaipsiRVLM2
Caudoventral respiratory groupipsiCVRG0.5
Caudoventral reticular nucleusipsiCVL2
Ventral respiratory group caudal partipsiVCReG2
Lateral paragigantocellular nucleusipsiLPGi2
Rostral ventral respiratory groupipsiRVRG2
Inferior salivatory nucleusipsiIS3
Superior salivatory nucleusipsiSuS3
Nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal bandipsiHDB2
Medial septal nucleusipsiMS-0.5
Substantia innominata dorsal partipsiSID1
Preoptic regionipsiPREO-0.5
Lateral preoptic areaipsiLPO1
Medial preoptic areaipsiMPA-0.5
Medial preoptic area periventricular partipsiMPApv-0.5
Median preoptic nucleusipsiMnPO-0.5
Ventrolateral preoptic nucleusipsiVLPO1
Ventromedial preoptic nucleusipsiVMPO-0.5
Tuberal region of lateral hypothalamusipsiTuLH3
Supraoptic nucleus [Lateral zone]ipsiSOLZ-0.5
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus parvicellular part [Periventricular zone anterior region]ipsiPaPc-0.5
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleusipsiPa1
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus magnocellular divisionipsiPaMag-0.5
Suprachiasmatic nucleusipsiSCh3
Central medial thalamic nucleusipsiCM2
Parafascicular thalamic nucleus lateral partipsiPFL2
Posterior thalamic nuclear group dorsocaudal partipsiPoDC1
Paraventricular thalamic nucleusipsiPV2
Paraventricular thalamic nucleus anterior partipsiPVA3
Reuniens thalamic nucleusipsiRe2
Ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus posterior partipsiVPLP1
Medial part of ventral posteromedial thalamic nucleusipsiVPMm1
Ventromedial thalamic nucleus caudal partipsiVMc2
Reticular thalamic nucleus lateral partipsiRtL1
Lateral funiculusipsilf-2
Amygdaloid complexipsiAC-0.5
Basolateral amygdaloid nucleusipsiBL4
Basomedial amygdaloid nucleusipsiBM2
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis anterior lateral areaipsiBSTAL3
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis dorsolateral partipsiBSTDL3
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis lateral division ventral partipsiBSTLV3
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rostral part of the posterolateral partipsiBSTRPL3
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis preoptic partipsiBSTPO1
Central amygdaloid nucleusipsiCe3
Lateral half shell of the central complexipsiCecLh2
Central amygdaloid nucleus lateral divisionipsiCeL3
Central amygdaloid nucleus lateral division capsular partipsiCeC-0.5
Central amygdaloid nucleus medial divisionipsiCeM3
Central amygdaloid nucleus rostral partipsiCerp3
Interstitial nucleus of the posterior limb of the anterior commissureipsiIPAC1
Medial amygdaloid nucleusipsiMe1
Amygdalostriatal transition areaipsiAStr0
Ventral pallidumipsiVP1
Accumbens nucleus coreipsiAcbC0.5
Ventral funiculusipsivf-2
Boetzinger complexcontraBo0
Medial vestibular nucleuscontraMVe1
Lateral vestibular nucleus alpha partcontraLVNa-0.5
Lateral vestibular nucleus beta partcontraLVNb1
Inferior vestibular nucleuscontraIVN-0.5
Rostral ventrolateral medullacontraRVLM1
Caudoventral respiratory groupcontraCVRG0
Rostral ventral respiratory groupcontraRVRG0
Nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal bandcontraHDB1
Basolateral amygdaloid nucleuscontraBL1
Central amygdaloid nucleuscontraCe3
Lateral half shell of the central complexcontraCecLh1
Central amygdaloid nucleus lateral divisioncontraCeL1
Central amygdaloid nucleus lateral division capsular partcontraCeC-0.5
Central amygdaloid nucleus medial divisioncontraCeM1
Facial nerveipsi7fn-2

Input from

Dorsolateral periaqueductal grayipsiDLPAG-0.5
Ventrolateral periaqueductal grayipsiVLPAG3
Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleusipsiPPTg1
Locus coeruleusipsiLC-0.5
Medullary reticular nucleusipsiMdD-0.5
Area postremaipsiAP-0.5
Paratrigeminal nucleusipsiPa53
Spinal trigeminal nucleus caudal partipsiSp5C-0.5
Spinal trigeminal nucleus caudal part lateral partipsiSp5CL2
Spinal trigeminal nucleus caudal part medial partipsiSp5Cm2
Trigeminal subnucleus caudalisipsi5SSC0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tractipsiSol3
11 beta hydroxysteroiddehydrogenase type-2 cellsipsiSolHSD22
Nucleus of the solitary tract caudal partipsiSolca-0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tract dorsal partipsiSolD-0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tract dorsolateral partipsiSolDL-0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tract intermediate partipsiSolIM-0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tract interstitial partipsiSoli-0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tract medial partipsiSolM3
Nucleus of the solitary tract ventrolateral partipsiSolVL2
Dorsal parasolitary regionipsiDPSol-0.5
Solitary tractipsisol-0.5
Ventral lateral medulla oblongataipsiMVL-0.5
Caudal pressor area of the caudal medullaipsiCPAMeObm1
Lateral preoptic areaipsiLPO3
Lateral hypothalamic area caudal partipsiLHc2
Tuberal region of lateral hypothalamusipsiTuLH3
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus parvicellular part [Periventricular zone anterior region]ipsiPaPc2
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus magnocellular divisionipsiPaMag2
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis anterior lateral areaipsiBSTAL3
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis fusiform partipsiFu-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis oval nucleusipsiBSTo3
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis dorsolateral partipsiBSTDL3
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis lateral division ventral partipsiBSTLV3
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis posterolateral partipsiBSTPL1
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis rostral part of the posterolateral partipsiBSTRPL3
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis preoptic partipsiBSTPO3
Central amygdaloid nucleus lateral divisionipsiCeL3
Central amygdaloid nucleus medial divisionipsiCeM3
Central amygdaloid nucleus medial division rostral partipsiCeMR-0.5
Infralimbic cortexipsiIL3
Spinal cordipsiMES-0.5
Spinal cord layer 1 C1ipsiSCL1C13
Spinal cord layer 2 C1ipsiSCL2C13
Spinal cord layer 1 C2ipsiSCL1C23
Spinal cord layer 2 C2ipsiSCL2C23
Nucleus of the solitary tract caudal partcontraSolca1
Nucleus of the solitary tract medial partcontraSolM-0.5
Spinal cord layer 1 C1contraSCL1C13
Spinal cord layer 2 C1contraSCL2C13
Spinal cord layer 1 C2contraSCL1C23
Spinal cord layer 2 C2contraSCL2C23

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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