University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Ventral thalamus left

Superior regionsThalamus

Anterior nuclei of the thalamus  
Ventral thalamic nuclear group Eng
Ventral thalamic nucleus Eng
Ventral thalamic complex Eng
Ventral complex of thalamic nuclei Eng
Thalamic ventraltv 
Ventral thalamusVNTEng
Ventral nucleus Eng

Borderline between reticular thalamic nucleus and zona incertaleft
Epipeduncular nucleusleft
Perireticular thalamic nucleusleft
Reticular thalamic nucleusleft
Subparafascicular thalamic nucleusleft
Ventral linear nucleus of the thalamusleft
Ventral medial nucleus of the thalamusleft
Ventral thalamus caudal partleft
Ventral thalamus dorsomedial partleft
Ventral thalamus rostral partleft
Ventromedian nucleus of the thalamusleft
Lateral aspect of the ventral thalamic nucleusleft
Ventral thalamus dorsoventral partleft
Basal portion of the ventral complex of thalamic nucleileft
Ventral thalamic gray commissureleft
Area separating paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus and zona incertaleft
Posterior part of the ventral thalamusleft
Zona incerta, generalleft

Output to

Superior colliculus deep layersipsiSCd-0.5
Substantia nigra A9ipsiSN2
Ventral tegmental area A10ipsiVTA1
Nucleus incertus pars compactaipsiNIc1
Parvicellular reticular nucleusipsiPCRt-0.5
Area postremaipsiAP-0.5
Area postrema dorsolateral partipsiAPdL-0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tractipsiSol3
Nucleus of the solitary tract intermediate part parvicellular subdivisionipsiSoliMp3
Nucleus of the solitary tract lateral partipsiSolL1
Nucleus of the solitary tract medial partipsiSolM2
Nucleus of the solitary tract ventrolateral partipsiSolVL1
Dorsal motor nucleus of vagusipsi103
Periolivary area between superior olivary nucleus and descending root of the facial nerveipsiPOAd7fn-0.5
Supraoptic nucleus dorsal partipsiSOd-0.5
Anterior group of the dorsal thalamusipsiATN1
Anteromedial thalamic nucleus ventral partipsiAMV1
Rhomboid thalamic nucleusipsiRh1
Reuniens thalamic nucleus rostral partipsiReRo3
Subparafascicular thalamic nucleus parvicellular partipsiSPFp1
Zona incerta caudal partipsiZIC3
Zona incerta rostral poleipsiRoPoZI3
Medial forebrain bundle at the level of the anterior commissureipsimfbac0
Medial forebrain bundle at the level of the lateral preoptic areraipsimfbLpa0
Medial forebrain bundle at the level of the anterior hypothalamic nucleusipsimfbahn-2
Medial forebrain bundle at the level of the lateral hypothalamusipsimfbLH-2
Medial forebrain bundle at the level of the posterior hypothalamic nucleusipsimfbPH0
Dorsal bank of the anterior portion of the rhinal fissureipsidarf0
Lateral globus pallidusipsiLGP1
Caudate putamenipsiCPu2
Medial part of the caudate putamenipsiCPuMed-0.5
Subthalamic nucleusipsiSTh2
Cerebral cortexipsiCEC-0.5
Dorsal hippocampusipsiHIPPd-0.5
Lateral entorhinal cortexipsiLEnt1
Medial entorhinal cortexipsiMEnt1
Anterior cingulate cortexipsiACC-1
Frontal association cortexipsiFrA-1
Frontal cortex area 2ipsiFr22
Most ventral part of the pregenual part of the anteromedial cortexipsiFr2mvpg0
Parietal association cortexipsiPtA2
Parietal association cortex dorsomedial partipsiPtADM3
Temporal association cortex 1ipsiTeA0
Primary auditory cortexipsiAu13
Frontal polar cortexipsiFP3
Granular insular cortexipsiGI-0.5
Prefrontal cortex supragenual partipsisgPFC2
Dorsal part of the pregenual sector of the prefrontal cortexipsidpgPFC0
Somatomotoric regionsipsiSMR3
Medial prefrontal cortex posterior partipsimPFCp2
Dorsal somatosensory regionipsiDSR-0.5
Posteromedial barrel subfield C3ipsiPMBSFC3-0.5
Primary visual cortexipsiV10.5
Intergeniculate leafipsiIGL1
Medial zone of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleusipsiVGLM3
Lateral zone of the ventral lateral geniculate nucleusipsiVGLL1
Area postremacontraAP-0.5
Area postrema dorsolateral partcontraAPdL-0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tractcontraSol-0.5
Dorsal motor nucleus of vaguscontra10-0.5
Lateral globus palliduscontraLGP0
Caudate putamencontraCPu0
Parietal association cortexcontraPtA2

Input from

Central gray pons partipsiCGP-0.5
Central gray dorsolateral partipsiCGDL-0.5
Interstitial nucleus of medial longitudinal fasciculusipsiIMLF-0.5
Inferior colliculusipsiICOL-2
Mesopontine tegmental areaipsiTGAm2
Substantia nigra A9ipsiSN-0.5
Substantia nigra lateral partipsiSNL-0.5
Substantia nigra reticular partipsiSNR3
Substantia nigra reticular part juxtapeduncular portionipsiSNRjp2
Ventral tegmental tailipsiVTTa1
Retrorubral nucleusipsiRR2
Lateral tegmental nucleusipsiLTN1
Laterodorsal tegmental nucleusipsiLDTg-0.5
Dorsal tegmental nucleusipsiDTg1
Pedunculopontine tegmental nucleusipsiPPTg2
Perirubral areaipsiPeriR-0.5
Deep cerebellar nucleiipsiDNC-0.5
Interposed cerebellar nucleiipsiICN1
Interposed cerebellar nucleus dorsolateral humpipsiIntDL2
Lateral interposed cerebellar nucleusipsiICNL2
Lateral cerebellar nucleusipsiCERL2
Medial cerebellar nucleus caudal partipsiMedc2
Locus coeruleusipsiLC3
Ventral part of the pontis caudalisipsiPcaV-0.5
Pontomesencephalic grayipsiPoMG-0.5
Deep mesencephalic nucleusipsiDpMe1
Cuneiforme nucleusipsiCnF-0.5
Koelliker Fuse nucleusipsiKF-0.5
Gigantocellular reticular nucleus dorsomedial partipsiGidm-0.5
Subcoeruleus nucleusipsiSubC1
Spinal trigeminal nucleusipsiSp5nc-0.5
Dorsal raphe nucleusipsiDR1
Median raphe nucleusipsiMnR1
Superior central raphe nucleusipsiCS1
Medulla oblongata lateral partipsiMeObL-0.5
Lateral part of the dorsal paragigantocellular nucleusipsiDPGiL-0.5
Ventral medulla oblongataipsiVMeO0.5
Lateral part of the ventral medulla oblongataipsiVMeOL-0.5
Substantia innominataipsiSI3
Lateral hypothalamic areaipsiLH-0.5
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleusipsiVMH-0.5
Centrolateral thalamic nucleusipsiCL1.5
Parafascicular thalamic nucleusipsiPF1.5
Posterior thalamic nuclear groupipsiPo1.5
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleusipsiMD1.5
Paratenial thalamic nucleusipsiPT-0.5
Lateral posterior thalamic nucleusipsiLP1.5
Laterodorsal thalamic nucleusipsiLD1.5
Subparafascicular thalamic nucleusipsiSPF1
Subparafascicular thalamic nucleus rostral partipsiSPFr1
Zona incertaipsiZI3
Nucleus of the fields of ForelipsiF0.5
Pretectal regionipsiPRT-2
Medial amygdaloid nucleus anterodorsal partipsiMeAD1
Globus pallidusipsiGP0.5
Caudal striatumipsiCPuc3
Ventral striatumipsiCPuv-0.5
Parasubthalamic nucleusipsiPSTh-2
Lateral entorhinal cortexipsiLEnt0.5
Medial entorhinal cortexipsiMEnt0.5
Retrosplenial agranular cortexipsiRSA-0.5
Anterior cingulate cortexipsiACC-0.5
Cingulate cortex area 1 caudal partipsiCg1c1.5
Cingulate cortex area 2 caudal partipsiCg2c1.5
Prelimbic cortex dorsal partipsiPrLd1
Prelimbic cortex ventral partipsiPrLv1.5
Infralimbic cortexipsiIL1.5
Frontal cortex area 2ipsiFr22
Temporal association cortex 1ipsiTeA-0.5
Granular insular cortexipsiGI-0.5
Lateral prefrontal cortexipsilPFC3
Medial prefrontal cortexipsimPFC-2
Medial agranular prefrontal cortex layer 5 aipsiAGmL5a-0.5
Orbital prefrontal cortexipsioPFC-0.5
Precommissural nucleusipsiPrC-2
Ventral lateral geniculate nucleusipsiVLG-0.5
Lateral septal nucleus dorsal partipsiLSD-0.5
Lateral septal nucleus rostral part dorsolateral zoneipsiLSrdl1
Ventrally lateral septal nucleus rostral part medial zoneipsiLSrmV1
Mesopontine tegmental areacontraTGAm1
Lateral tegmental nucleuscontraLTN1
Cerebellar nucleicontraDCeN3
Dorsolateral hump rostral partcontraCERcndlR-0.5
Deep cerebellar nucleicontraDNC1
Interposed cerebellar nuclei medial partcontraICNM3
Interposed cerebellar nucleus intermediate partcontraIntim1
Lateral interposed cerebellar nucleuscontraICNL3
Lateralmost interposed posterior nucleuscontraCERpinLm-0.5
Lateral cerebellar nucleuscontraCERL3
Medial cerebellar nucleus caudal partcontraMedc2
Medial cerebellar nucleus dorsolateral protuberancecontraMedDL-0.5
Medial cerebellar nucleus intermediate partcontraMedim1
Medial cerebellar nucleus lateral partcontraMedL-0.5
Medial part of the medial cerebellar nucleuscontraMMed3
Between nucleus medialis and interposed nucleuscontraBMedin-0.5
Locus coeruleuscontraLC3
Ventral part of the pontis caudaliscontraPcaV-0.5
Medullary reticular nucleuscontraMdD1
Dorsal column nucleicontraDCN1

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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