University of Rostock

Department of Anatomy

Neuroscience Group




 Rat connectome

 Other connectomes







Rat connectome

Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus anterior parvicellular part [Periventricular zone anterior region] right

Superior regionsNucleus paraventricularis parvocellular part

Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus anterior parvicellular part [Periventricular zone anterior region]PaAP 
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus anterior parvicellular part Eng
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus anterior parvicellular part [Periventricular zone anterior region]PaAP 
Anterior parvicellular part of the paraventricular nucleus Eng
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus anterior parvicellular division  
Anterior parvocellular subdivision of paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Eng
Middle level just rostral to the crossing of the anterior commissure Eng
Anterior parvocellular division of paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus Eng

Rostral part of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus anterior parvicellular part [Periventricular zone anterior region]right
Caudal third of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus anterior parvicellular part [Periventricular zone anterior region]right
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus anterior parvicellular part medial aspectright
Lateral part of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus anterior parvicellular partright
Ventral part of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus anterior parvicellular part [Periventricular zone anterior region]right
Adjacent to the ventral part of the paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus anterior parvicellular part [Periventricular zone anterior region]right

Output to

Periaqueductal graycontraPAG-0.5
Lateral periaqueductal graycontraLPAG-0.5
Ventrolateral periaqueductal graycontraVLPAG-0.5
Ventral tegmental area A10contraVTA-0.5
Lateral parabrachial nucleus central partcontraLPBC-0.5
Lateral parabrachial nucleus dorsal partcontraLPBD-0.5
Lateral parabrachial nucleus lateral partcontraLPBL-0.5
Lateral parabrachial nucleus central lateral partcontraLPBCL-0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tractcontraSol0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tract medial partcontraSolM0.5
Dorsal motor nucleus of vaguscontra100.5
Ventral lateral medulla oblongatacontraMVL0.5
Dorsal endopiriform nucleuscontraDEn-0.5
Islands of Calleja major islandcontraICjM-0.5
Nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal bandcontraHDB-0.5
Nucleus of the vertical limb of the diagonal bandcontraVDB-0.5
Medial septal nucleuscontraMS-0.5
Substantia innominatacontraSI-0.5
Substantia innominata basal partcontraSIB-0.5
Medial tuberal nucleuscontraMTuN-0.5
Medial preoptic areacontraMPA-0.5
Anterodorsal preoptic nucleuscontraADP-0.5
Medial preoptic nucleuscontraMPO0.5
Strial part of the preoptic areacontraStA-0.5
Ventral tuberomammillary nucleuscontraVTM-0.5
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleuscontraDMHy-0.5
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus non-compact partcontraDMHyncp-0.5
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus ventromedial bordercontraDMHyvmb-0.5
Lateral zonecontraLHA-0.5
Lateroanterior hypothalamic nucleuscontraLAH-0.5
Anterior hypothalamic areacontraAHA-0.5
Anteroventral periventricular nucleus [Anterior hypothalamic area]contraAVPe-0.5
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus [Medial zone]contraDM-0.5
Parastriatal nucleuscontraPS-0.5
Posterior hypothalamic areacontraPHA-0.5
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus dorsomedial partcontraVMHDM-0.5
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus ventromedial partcontraVMHvm-0.5
Anteroventral periventricular nucleus 2contraAVPV20.5
Arcuate nucleuscontraArc-0.5
Arcuate nucleus medial partcontraArcM-0.5
Arcuate nucleus ventromedial bordercontraArcVMb-0.5
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleuscontraPa-0.5
Periventricular hypothalamic nucleuscontraPe-0.5
Suprachiasmatic nucleuscontraSCh-0.5
Supraoptic nucleus [Supraoptic region]contraSO-0.5
Premammillary nucleus ventral partcontraPMV-0.5
Supramammillar nucleuscontraSuM-0.5
Retrochiasmatic areacontraRCh-0.5
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleuscontraMD-0.5
Paraventricular thalamic nucleuscontraPV-0.5
Reuniens thalamic nucleuscontraRe-0.5
Tuber cinereum areacontraTC-0.5
Tuber cinereum area caudal partcontraTCc-0.5
Lateral habenular nucleuscontraLHb-0.5
Basomedial amygdaloid nucleuscontraBM-0.5
Ventromedial part of the lateral nucleuscontraLaVM-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis intraamygdaloid divisioncontraBSTIA-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis lateral divisioncontraBSTL-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis lateral division dorsal partcontraBSTLD-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis lateral division intermediate partcontraBSTLI-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis lateral division ventral partcontraBSTLV-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis medial division anterior partcontraBSTMA-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis medial division posterior partcontraBSTMP-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis medial division posterointermediate partcontraBSTMPI-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis medial division posterolateral partcontraBSTMPL-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis medial division ventral partcontraBSTMV-0.5
Central amygdaloid nucleuscontraCe-0.5
Central amygdaloid nucleus lateral division capsular partcontraCeC-0.5
Central amygdaloid nucleus medial divisioncontraCeM-0.5
Anterior cortical amygdaloid nucleuscontraACo-0.5
Posterolateral cortical nucleuscontraPLCo-0.5
Medial amygdaloid nucleus anterodorsal partcontraMeAD-0.5
Medial amygdaloid nucleus posterodorsal partcontraMePD-0.5
Medial amygdaloid nucleus posteroventral partcontraMePV-0.5
Amygdalohippocampal areacontraAHi-0.5
Posteromedial cortical nucleuscontraPMCo-0.5
Ventral pallidumcontraVP-0.5
Dentate gyruscontraDG-0.5
Field CA1 of hippocampus ventral partcontraCA1v-0.5
Field CA3 of hippocampus ventral partcontraCA3v-0.5
Fimbria of the hippocampuscontrafi-0.5
Piriform cortexcontraPir-0.5
Anterior olfactory nucleuscontraAON-0.5
Lateral septal nucleus dorsal partcontraLSD-0.5
Lateral septal nucleus intermediate partcontraLSI-0.5
Lateral septal nucleus ventral partcontraLSV-0.5
Stria terminaliscontrast-0.5
Zona limitanscontraZL-0.5
Intermediolateral cell columncontraIML1
Intermediolateral cell column T8contraIMLT81
Intermediolateral cell column T9contraIMLT91
Periaqueductal grayipsiPAG-0.5
Lateral periaqueductal grayipsiLPAG-0.5
Ventrolateral periaqueductal grayipsiVLPAG-0.5
Ventral tegmental area A10ipsiVTA-0.5
Dorsal reticular formationipsiDRF-0.5
Lateral parabrachial nucleus central partipsiLPBC-0.5
Lateral parabrachial nucleus dorsal partipsiLPBD1
Lateral parabrachial nucleus lateral partipsiLPBL1
Lateral parabrachial nucleus central lateral partipsiLPBCL1
Nucleus of the solitary tractipsiSol0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tract medial partipsiSolM0.5
Dorsal motor nucleus of vagusipsi101
Ventral lateral medulla oblongataipsiMVL0.5
Caudal ventrolateral medullaipsiCVLM-0.5
Rostral ventrolateral medullaipsiRVLM0.5
Pressor area of the rostral ventrolateral medullaipsiPRVLM1
Median eminenceipsiME-0.5
Internal zone of the median eminenceipsiiZME-0.5
Median eminence external layeripsiMEeL-0.5
Median eminence middle portion subependymal layeripsiMEmise-0.5
Dorsal endopiriform nucleusipsiDEn-0.5
Islands of Calleja major islandipsiICjM-0.5
Nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal bandipsiHDB-0.5
Nucleus of the vertical limb of the diagonal bandipsiVDB-0.5
Medial septal nucleusipsiMS-0.5
Substantia innominataipsiSI-0.5
Substantia innominata basal partipsiSIB-0.5
Medial tuberal nucleusipsiMTuN-0.5
Medial preoptic areaipsiMPA-0.5
Anterodorsal preoptic nucleusipsiADP-0.5
Medial preoptic nucleusipsiMPO2
Median preoptic nucleusipsiMnPO2
Strial part of the preoptic areaipsiStA-0.5
Ventral tuberomammillary nucleusipsiVTM-0.5
Vascular organ of the lamina terminalisipsiVOLT-0.5
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleusipsiDMHy-0.5
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus non-compact partipsiDMHyncp2
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus ventromedial borderipsiDMHyvmb-0.5
Lateral zoneipsiLHA-0.5
Lateroanterior hypothalamic nucleusipsiLAH-0.5
Anterior hypothalamic areaipsiAHA-0.5
Anteroventral periventricular nucleus [Anterior hypothalamic area]ipsiAVPe-0.5
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus [Medial zone]ipsiDM3
Parastriatal nucleusipsiPS-0.5
Posterior hypothalamic areaipsiPHA-0.5
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus dorsomedial partipsiVMHDM-0.5
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus ventromedial partipsiVMHvm-0.5
Anteroventral periventricular nucleus 2ipsiAVPV21
Arcuate nucleusipsiArc-0.5
Arcuate nucleus medial partipsiArcM-0.5
Arcuate nucleus ventromedial borderipsiArcVMb-0.5
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleus medial parvocellular partipsiMPPa2
Paraventricular hypothalamic nucleusipsiPa1.5
Periventricular hypothalamic nucleusipsiPe-0.5
Suprachiasmatic nucleusipsiSCh-0.5
Supraoptic nucleus [Supraoptic region]ipsiSO-0.5
Premammillary nucleus ventral partipsiPMV-0.5
Supramammillar nucleusipsiSuM-0.5
Retrochiasmatic areaipsiRCh-0.5
Mediodorsal thalamic nucleusipsiMD-0.5
Paraventricular thalamic nucleusipsiPV-0.5
Reuniens thalamic nucleusipsiRe-0.5
Tuber cinereum areaipsiTC-0.5
Tuber cinereum area caudal partipsiTCc-0.5
Lateral habenular nucleusipsiLHb-0.5
Pituitary glandipsiPIT1
Posterior lobe of pituitaryipsiPPit1
Dorsal part of the lateral funiculusipsilfd-2
Medial part of the lateral funiculusipsimelf-2
Lateral funiculus of the upper thoracic spinal cordipsilfutsc-2
Basomedial amygdaloid nucleusipsiBM-0.5
Ventromedial part of the lateral nucleusipsiLaVM-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalisipsiBST1.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis intraamygdaloid divisionipsiBSTIA-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis lateral divisionipsiBSTL-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis lateral division dorsal partipsiBSTLD-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis lateral division intermediate partipsiBSTLI-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis lateral division ventral partipsiBSTLV-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis medial division anterior partipsiBSTMA-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis medial division posterior partipsiBSTMP-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis medial division posterointermediate partipsiBSTMPI-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis medial division posterolateral partipsiBSTMPL-0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis medial division ventral partipsiBSTMV-0.5
Central amygdaloid nucleusipsiCe-0.5
Central amygdaloid nucleus lateral division capsular partipsiCeC-0.5
Central amygdaloid nucleus medial divisionipsiCeM-0.5
Anterior cortical amygdaloid nucleusipsiACo-0.5
Posterolateral cortical nucleusipsiPLCo-0.5
Medial amygdaloid nucleus anterodorsal partipsiMeAD-0.5
Medial amygdaloid nucleus posterodorsal partipsiMePD-0.5
Medial amygdaloid nucleus posteroventral partipsiMePV-0.5
Amygdalohippocampal areaipsiAHi-0.5
Posteromedial cortical nucleusipsiPMCo-0.5
Ventral pallidumipsiVP-0.5
Dentate gyrusipsiDG-0.5
Field CA1 of hippocampus ventral partipsiCA1v-0.5
Field CA3 of hippocampus ventral partipsiCA3v-0.5
Fimbria of the hippocampusipsifi-0.5
Piriform cortexipsiPir-0.5
Anterior olfactory nucleusipsiAON-0.5
Lateral septal nucleus dorsal partipsiLSD-0.5
Lateral septal nucleus intermediate partipsiLSI-0.5
Lateral septal nucleus ventral partipsiLSV2
Septohypothalamic nucleusipsiSHy2
Stria terminalisipsist-0.5
Zona limitansipsiZL-0.5
Intermediolateral cell columnipsiIML-0.5
Deep dorsal hornipsiMESdL-0.5
Cervical segmentsipsiCSeg0
Spinal cord layers C1ipsiSCLC13
Spinal cord layers C2ipsiSCLC23
Dorsal horn C2ipsiDHC21
Spinal cord layers C3ipsiSCLC33
Thoracal segment 1ipsiT10.5
Central autonomic area of thoracal segment 1ipsiCAAT1-0.5
Intermediolateral cell column T1ipsiIMLT10.5
Spinal cord layers T1ipsiSCLT13
Thoracal segment 2ipsiT20.5
Intermediolateral cell column T2ipsiIMLT20.5
Spinal cord layers T2ipsiSCLT23
Intermediolateral cell column T3ipsiIMLT30.5
Spinal cord layers T3ipsiSCLT33
Intermediolateral cell column T4ipsiIMLT40.5
Spinal cord layers T4ipsiSCLT43
Intermediolateral cell column T5ipsiIMLT50.5
Intermediolateral cell column T6ipsiIMLT60.5
Intermediolateral cell column T7ipsiIMLT70.5
Intermediolateral cell column T8ipsiIMLT81
Intermediolateral cell column T9ipsiIMLT91.5
Intermediolateral cell column T10ipsiIMLT100.5
Intermediolateral cell column T11ipsiIMLT110.5
Intermediolateral cell column T12ipsiIMLT120.5
Intermediolateral cell column T13ipsiIMLT130.5
Dorsolateral nucleus lumbal segment 5ipsiDLNL5-0.5
Spinal cord layers L5ipsiSCLL5-0.5
Dorsal horn L5ipsiDHL5-0.5
Ventral horn L5ipsiVHL5-0.5
Spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus lumbal segment 5ipsiBCL51
Dorsolateral nucleus lumbal segment 6ipsiDLNL6-0.5
Spinal cord layers L6ipsiSCLL6-0.5
Dorsal horn L6ipsiDHL6-0.5
Ventral horn L6ipsiVHL6-0.5
Spinal nucleus of the bulbocavernosus lumbal segment 6ipsiBCL61
Sinoatrial nodeipsiSinoAtri-0.5
Ganglia around the heartipsiAutoGHeart-0.5
Ventricle muscle wallipsiOrgsCorVenMyo-0.5
Thyroid glandipsiOrgThyroid-0.5

Input from

Interposed cerebellar nucleicontraICN0
Lateral cerebellar nucleuscontraCERL0
Medial cerebellar nucleuscontraMed0
Locus coeruleuscontraLC0.5
Lateral parabrachial nucleuscontraLPB-0.5
Nucleus of the solitary tractcontraSol-0.5
Ventral lateral medulla oblongatacontraMVL-0.5
Rostral ventrolateral medullacontraRVLM-0.5
A1 noradrenergic cellscontraA1-0.5
A2 noradrenergic cellscontraA2-0.5
Caudoventral reticular nucleuscontraCVL-0.5
Lateral paragigantocellular nucleuscontraLPGi0.5
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleuscontraDMHy3
Subparaventricular zone ventromedial partcontraSuPZvm3
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus ventrolateral partcontraVMHVL1
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis fusiform partcontraFu0.5
Medial amygdaloid nucleuscontraMe0.5
Lateral septal nucleuscontraLS0.5
Central grayipsiCG1
Central gray mesencephalic partipsiCGM1
Periaqueductal grayipsiPAG0.5
Ventrolateral periaqueductal grayipsiVLPAG-0.5
Periventricular gray matteripsiPVG1
Laterodorsal tegmental nucleusipsiLDTg0.5
Edinger Westphal nucleusipsiEW0.5
Interposed cerebellar nucleiipsiICN0
Lateral cerebellar nucleusipsiCERL0
Medial cerebellar nucleusipsiMed0
Locus coeruleusipsiLC3
Locus coeruleus anterior partipsiLCa3
Lateral parabrachial nucleusipsiLPB-0.5
Parabrachial nucleus dorsal partipsiPBD3
Lateral reticular nucleusipsiLRt3
Medullary reticular nucleusipsiMdD1
Nucleus of the solitary tractipsiSol3
Dorsal raphe nucleusipsiDR2
Dorsal raphe nucleus dorsolateral partipsiDRdL3
Raphe magnus nucleusipsiRMg2
Ventral lateral medulla oblongataipsiMVL3
Rostral ventrolateral medullaipsiRVLM-0.5
A1 noradrenergic cellsipsiA1-0.5
A2 noradrenergic cellsipsiA2-0.5
Caudoventral reticular nucleusipsiCVL-0.5
Lateral paragigantocellular nucleusipsiLPGi2
Medial septal nucleusipsiMS0
Medial septal nucleus mid-dorsal aspectipsiMSmda-0.5
Substantia innominataipsiSI0.5
Intermediate hypothalamic cell groupsipsiIHCG2
Lateral preoptic areaipsiLPO2
Medial preoptic areaipsiMPA3
Median preoptic areaipsiMnPA2
Medial preoptic nucleusipsiMPO3
Periventricular area of the preoptic regionipsiPVPREO2
Vascular organ of the lamina terminalisipsiVOLT1
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleusipsiDMHy2
Lateral hypothalamic area anterior part [Preoptic anterior region]ipsiLHAapar1
Lateral hypothalamic area posterior part [Preoptic anterior region]ipsiLHApPAR1
Lateral hypothalamic area premammillary subfornical region [Preoptic anterior region]ipsiLHAsfp3
Lateral hypothalamic areaipsiLH3
Lateral hypothalamic area caudal partipsiLHc1
Lateral hypothalamic area motor related juxtaventromedial regionipsiLHAjvm2
Lateral hypothalamic area subfornical region anterior zoneipsiLHAsfa0.5
Anterior perifornical regionipsiPFxa2
Lateral hypothalamic area rostral partipsiLHro2
Lateral hypothalamic area rostrolateral partipsiLHrL3
Lateral hypothalamic area rostromedial partipsiLHrm2
Anterior hypothalamic areaipsiAHA3
Anterior hypothalamic area central partipsiAHAC-2
Anterior hypothalamic area posterior partipsiAHAP-2
Anterior hypothalamic nucleus ventromedial partipsiAHAvm1
Anterior hypothalamic nucleusipsiAHn3
Anterior part of the anterior hypothalamic nucleusipsiAHna-2
Dorsal hypothalamic area ventral partipsiDAv-0.5
Dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus [Medial zone]ipsiDM2
Nucleus circularisipsiNC-0.5
Posterior hypothalamic areaipsiPHA1
Posterior hypothalamic nucleusipsiPH0.5
Ventral region of posterior hypothalamic nucleusipsiPHv3
Lateral part of ventral subparaventricular zoneipsiSuPZvL2
Subparaventricular zone ventromedial partipsiSuPZvm3
Subparaventricular zone dorsomedial partipsiSuPZdm2.5
Subparaventricular zone dorsolateral partipsiSuPZdL3
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleusipsiVMH2
Ventromedial hypothalamic nucleus ventrolateral partipsiVMHVL2
Arcuate nucleusipsiArc1
Paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus magnocellular division anterior magnocellular partipsiPaAMa-0.5
Paraventricular nucleus anterior partipsiPaan2
Periventricular hypothalamic nucleusipsiPe-0.5
Periventricular hypothalamic nucleus extreme ventral partipsiPeeV-2
Subparaventricular zone of the hypothalamus perisuprachiasmatic regionipsiSBPVps3
Suprachiasmatic nucleusipsiSCh1
Suprachiasmatic nucleus dorsal divisionipsiSChd-0.5
Suprachiasmatic nucleus dorsomedial partipsiSCnDM3
Suprachiasmatic nucleus ventrolateral partipsiSCnVL2
Supraoptic nucleus [Supraoptic region]ipsiSO3
Area around supraoptic nucleusipsiSoRa2
Premammillary nucleusipsiPMAN1
Premammillary nucleus dorsal partipsiPMD1.5
Premammillary nucleus ventral partipsiPMV0.5
Supramammillar nucleusipsiSuM0
A11 dopamine cellsipsiA111
Retrochiasmatic areaipsiRCh1
Basal retrochiasmatic areaipsiBRCh-0.5
Retrochiasmatic area lateral partipsiRChL-2
Subfornical organipsiSFO3
Zona incertaipsiZI1
Internal capsuleipsiic-2
Medial corticohypothalamic tractipsimcht2
Medial lemniscusipsiml2
Basolateral amygdaloid nucleusipsiBL0
Anterior basomedial nucleusipsiBMA0.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalisipsiBST1
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis anterior dorsal areaipsiBSTAD3
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis anterior medial partipsiBSTAM3
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis fusiform partipsiFu2
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis oval nucleusipsiBSTo1
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis intraamygdaloid divisionipsiBSTIA1.5
Bed nucleus of the stria terminalis lateral division dorsal partipsiBSTLD-0.5
Central amygdaloid nucleusipsiCe1
Central amygdaloid nucleus lateral divisionipsiCeL1
Central amygdaloid nucleus medial divisionipsiCeM1.5
Interstitial nucleus of the posterior limb of the anterior commissure medial partipsiIPACM-0.5
Medial amygdaloid nucleusipsiMe3
Medial amygdaloid nucleus anterior partipsiMeAn1
Medial amygdaloid nucleus anteroventral partipsiMeAV1
Medial amygdaloid nucleus posterior partipsiMePo-0.5
Globus pallidusipsiGP0.5
Caudate putamenipsiCPu0
Field CA1 of hippocampus ventral poleipsiCA1vp-2
Subiculum ventral partipsiSv3
Lateral septal nucleusipsiLS3
Lateral septal nucleus ventral partipsiLSV2

Key for weights

-3 unknown
-2 fibers of passage
-1 not clear
-0.5 exists
0 not present
0.5 very light
1 light / sparse
1.5 light / moderate
2 moderate / dense
2.5 moderate / strong
3 strong
4 very strong

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